IOT Garbage Monitoring With Weight Sensing

IOT Garbage Monitoring With Weight Sensing Keeping the city clean has been always an ongoing task which needs laborious efforts of people working on ground level emptying the garbage bins whenever they are full. The event of garbage bin getting full is not strictly dependent on a time pattern, instead it sometimes becomes rapidly full or sometimes requires more than normal time to become full. IOT Garbage Monitoring with Weight Sensing project is an innovative step towards making this process more smooth and efficient. This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins via a web page. For this the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the bins to detect the garbage level and compare it with the garbage bins depth.…
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Clap Based Fan Switching System

Clap Based Fan Switching System Automatic switching system are nowadays very popular in domestic as well as industrial scenario. In this project we have a DC fan connected to the system. The system is configured in such a way that by a particular action of the user ‘Clapping’ can cause the Fan to start and remain ON for a limited period of time.We have mic that acts as a transducer. This transducer converts the sound energy in its vicinity to electrical pulses. These pulses are amplified and given to 555 timer controller. If someone claps near the mic of the system the above stated series of events get triggered. This leads to turning ON of the Fan. Due to the timing configuration set in the 555 timer the Fan remains…
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Women’s Safety Android App With GPS Tracking & Alerts

Women's Safety Android App With GPS Tracking & Alerts In today's world, people using smart phones have increased rapidly and hence, a smart phone can be used efficiently for personal security or various other protection purposes. The heinous incident that outraged the entire nation have waken us to go for the safety issues and so a host of new apps have been developed to provide security systems to women via their phones. This is an Android Application for the Safety of Women and this app can be activated by a single click, whenever need arises. A single click on this app identifies the location of place through GPS and sends a message comprising this location URL to the registered contacts and also call on the first registered contact to help…
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Automatic Plant Irrigation Using PIC

Automatic Plant Irrigation Using PIC The system’s main aim is to provide the amount of irrigation to agricultural fields by observing the moisture content of soil. The project minimizes the manual process if irrgating the field by switch the pump ON/OFF. The system works with the use of PIC microcontroller, which collects the input signals that measures moisture content of soil through sensing arrangement. On receving the signal, the PIC microcontroller produces an output that drives a relay and operates the water pump. The system is also built in with a LCD which is interfaced with the microcontroller for displaying the moisture content of soil and water pump status. This system helps in reducing the manual work and provides required irrigation to the agricultural feild.
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PIC Based Ultrasonic Radar

PIC Based Ultrasonic Radar Keeping watch 24*7 on prohibited areas to avoid tresspassing is a difficult task. Keeping manual help is cost effective and not reliable too for keeping a watch over a area. The PIC Based Ultrasonic Radar System solves the problem. This system detects any unauthorised human/animal in the surrounding. The system monitors the area in the range and alerts the authorities alarming the buzzer. The PIC microcontroller in the circuit which is connected to an ultrasonic sensor mounted or servo motor for monitoring, alarms the buzzer to notify the unauthorised identity on the LCD screen.The radar keeps monitoring the environment checking the ultrasonic sensor echo. As soon as an object is detected the data of detection is processed and sent to authorities with an alert of where…
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Robotic Vehicle Controlled By Hand Gesture Using PIC

Robotic Vehicle Controlled By Hand Gesture Using PIC Robotic vehicle controlled by the hand movement mainly benefits the disabled person, as those person with the hand gesture moves to the direction they want to go without pressing any buttons. This system includes a glove which has a receiver circuit which will be mounted on the top with Atmega microcontroller interfaced to the accelerometer and it is supposed to be worn by the user while using this machine. The circuit on the vehicle includes FR receiver, PIC microcontroller and Driver IC to operate the motors. The commands that are received by the IC on the circuit are sent to the RF transmitter which forwards the command to the RF receiver. The command from RF receiver then gets trasmitted to the PIC…
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RFID Based Smart Master Card For Bus Train Metro Ticketing

RFID Based Smart Master Card For Bus Train Metro Ticketing Modern cities of today have developed multiple means of communication including Buses, trains, metros and private vehicles. Now each transport system has their own smart card and it becomes a hectic process for users to manage separate smart cards for every transport medium. Thus we propose a smart master card approach that integrates all these systems together and allows for a single master card and a centralized system for all transportation mediums. To demonstrate this concept we use three RFID scanners to demonstrate as bus train and metro train smart card scanners respectively. Now we use three smart cards that work particularly on each of the systems viz one rfid card for bus, one for train and one for metro…
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IOT Irrigation Monitoring & Controller System

IOT Irrigation Monitoring & Controller System Farmers usually work on large portions of land to grow different types of crops. It is not always possible for one person to be able to keep track of the entire farmland all the time. Sometimes it may happen that a given patch of land receives more water leading to water-logging, or it might receive far less or no water at all leading to dry soil. In either of the cases, the crops can get damaged and farmer may suffer losses. So in order to solve this problem, we propose an “IOT Irrigation Monitoring and Control Project”. This is a very useful project wherein, the user can monitor and control the supply of water from a remote location. This system makes use of a…
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IOT Car Parking System

IOT Car Parking System Car parking is a major issues in modern congested cities of today. There simply are too many vehicles on the road and not enough parking space. This has led to the need for efficient parking management systems. Thus we demonstrate the use of IOT based parking management system that allows for efficient parking space utilization using IOT technology. To demonstrate the concept we use IR sensors for sensing parking slot occupancy along with a dc motors to simulate as gate opener motors. We now use a wifi modem for internet connectivity and an AVR microcontroller for operating the system. We use IOTGecko for online connectivity and IOT management GUI design. The system detects if parking slots are occupied using IR sensors. Also it uses IR technology…
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Zigbee Based Room Temperature Controller Project

Zigbee Based Room Temperature Controller Project As the outside temperature varies, it may affect our room temperature. So there is a need for technique to control the temperature of the room even if the outside temperature varies. Our project Zigbee based Room Temperature Controller Using Atmega Microcontroller overcomes this problem. In this project there are two board having bidirectional communication between them. One board is used to remotely set the desire temperature limit and display the temperature and the second board use 2 loads and temperature sensor. It uses bulb to detect heater and fan to detect cooler. The system allows to maintain a specific temperature limit by continuously switching between heater and cooler i.e., by alternatively turning ON/OFF the bulb and the fan. Once the system is turned ON,…
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Multi Robot Coordination For Swarm Robotics

Multi Robot Coordination For Swarm Robotics Swarm robots use a coordinated shared intelligence to operate as a group and work in coordination. These applications require the use of wireless communication for fast and efficient communications. Our system uses this concept to apply it in a pair of swarm robots that are based on a master slave relationship. The master robot is integrated with IR sensors to perform a specific task. In this case the master has a circuitry that consists of an integrated IR sensing circuit controller by a microcontroller circuit that is used to follow a line. The IR sensors are used to sense the line drawn and follow using reflected light principle of operation. While performing its operation the controller also transmits the movement commands to the slave…
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Load Sensing Seats With Lights Fan Control

Load Sensing Seats With Lights Fan Control We are reaching the age of full automation. And with increased automation comes increased power consumption. There is a constant demand to automate things while minimizing power consumption for the same. So here we propose a load sensing seat with automated light fan control. People usually forget or don’t care to switch off lights, fans after use on public properties. This leads to a huge power wastage. So our proposed system senses when a user is using the seat and only then switches on the lights also allows user to operate the fan as long as user is sitting on the seats. This puts forward a method to provide automated service to train and flight travelers while at the same time avoiding any…
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IOT Smart Mirror With News & Temperature

IOT Smart Mirror With News & Temperature Smart mirrors are the mirrors of the future. A part of the connected world where we would be able to see news, temperature, weather and more just while looking and grooming in front of mirrors. Our proposed system allows to build such mirrors that allow for mirrors to receive news online and display it on the mirror screen along with other details including current temperature of the room for a futuristic and modern lifestyle. Our system uses a raspberry pi based processor board along with display and IOT based circuitry and temperature sensor interfaced together. We use a precisely modeled panel to construct the outer frame. Then we use specialized glass with a back frame to encase the system. The frame cavity is…
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Arduino Based System To Measure Solar Power

Arduino Based System To Measure Solar Power The designed project measures different solar cell parameters like light intensity, voltage, current and temperature by using multiple sensor data acquisition. The project uses a solar panel to monitor sunlight and Arduino board which has ATmega family microcontroller attached to it. The project requires an LDR sensor for measuring light intensity, a voltage divider to measure voltage and a temperature sensor to measure the temperature. These measurements are then displayed by the microcontroller to a LCD screen. Thus this system allows user to effectively monitor solar parameters using this system.
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Smart Dustbin With IOT Notifications

Smart Dustbin With IOT Notifications With increase in population we have an increase in the garbage around urban areas. Here we propose a smart dustbin that operates automatically to help solve this issue using IOT and sensor based circuitry. Usual dustbins require to be opened by pressing foot against its lever and then throwing garbage. Also a person needs to keep track when it is full so that it can be emptied and does not overflow. Here we propose a smart dustbin that does all this by itself. Our system consists of a sensor in order to detect human clap signal and on a clap of foot tap it opens automatically without anyone needing to press its lever. The dustbin opens automatically when it receives the signal and closes its…
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3D Holographic Display System With Gesture Controller

3D Holographic Display System With Gesture Controller Hologram makers, render 3D projections whether it’s inside a glass tube or suspended in thin air. 3D multi dimensional images enable users to interact with content in a totally unique way from a 360-degree seeing point. The way to the operation of holographic projectors is the 3D image. A holographic projector utilizes part illuminations reflected together from multiple viewing angles of the subject in a combined form to reproduce a picture of the subject in a 3D state. Our system produces holographic projections created through anticipated picture by refraction through the interference design, losing barely any light, and working with substantially more productivity. Our system uses a raspberry pi controller based system to achieve such holographic projections. We then use a display to…
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Automated Night Lighting System

Automated Night Lighting System Here we put forth a fully automated night lighting system that detects light condition and switches on or off a load/bulb based on the light intensity. The system uses a LDR along with 555 timer and relay based circuitry with AC load connection in order to achieve this result. As soon as the light intensity falling on the LDR drops below a certain level, the circuitry uses a 555 timer based circuit to drive a relay for specific time duration. This process keep happening over time and the load is switched on through a relay as long as there are night/low light conditions. As soon as lighting increases the system switched off the load to turn of the lighting. Thus we have a fully automated night…
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Wearable Health Monitoring System Project

Wearable Health Monitoring System Project We live in the wearable technology era. Electronics have now evolved to wearable tech for ease of use and advancements. Monitoring a patients health status requires constantly measuring his/her pulse rates. So here we propose a battery powered wearable health monitoring system that constantly monitors patient heart pulses and displays it to user through a wearable band. The system makes use of heart rate sensor to read user pulses and then display it on a display. Also it transmits these values over to the users android phone through Bluetooth module for storing data on the phone. Our system uses an Atmega microcontroller based circuit with sensor and Bluetooth circuitry that is powered by a 9V battery to achieve this task. This system will help many…
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Motion Based Home Automation & Temperature Controller

Motion Based Home Automation & Temperature Controller Home automation usage has been on a rise in the recent times. The aim of this project is to make smarter home automation system which can switch light automatically as well as maintain the temperature of the facility in which it is installed. Password based security of the system is also an integrated part of this project. We have a motion sensor and a temperature sensor mounted on the project board. These sensors sense and give the captured data to the central microcontroller, which in our case is an ATmega family microcontroller. For demonstration purpose we have a Bulb lamp demonstrating as Light, a larger Bulb lamp demonstrating as Heater and a Fan demonstrating as a Fan / Cooler. These devices get controlled…
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Zigbee Based Gas Fire Detection System

Zigbee Based Gas Fire Detection System Gas Leakage and eventual fire accidents can be avoided from making a huge damage if we have systems installed that can detect gas leakage or fire at the earliest and notify to the respective authority to act upon it. This project using some sensors and wireless communication achieves this feat of detecting the occurrences of such events and notify the authorities present at the premises so that the damage incurred in life or property can minimised or literally be avoided. The system consists of fire and gas sensors for detection purpose. If system detects a gas leakage the system first shuts off the gas supply (displayed using stepper motor) to avoid more gas leakage. The system now also starts an exhaust fan to suck…
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Android Controlled Remote AC Power Control

Android Controlled Remote AC Power Control

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Android Controlled Remote AC Power Control Our proposed project aims to have control over the Ac power applied to a load by controlling the firing angle of a thyristor. In comparison to various methods this method is quite effective to control such a power supply. The android interface required for sending commands can be sent through any android based phone/tab or any device running on android OS. The system makes use of a waveform zero crossing point that is detected by a comparator and the output of this is fed to the comparator. The microcontroller is programmed to delay triggering control my making use of an opto isolator interface to a pair of SCR’s. The power through the SCR’s is then applied to the load. The project makes use of…
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Ultrasonic Object Detection System

Ultrasonic Object Detection System

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Ultrasonic Object Detection System We come across situations where we need to keep a watch over prohibited areas to avoid trespassing. Now keeping human labour for this purpose is costly and also not reliable for keeping a watch over an area 24×7. So for this purpose an ultrasonic radar project for unauthorized human / animal or object detection system. The system can monitor an area of limited range and alerts authorities with a buzzer as an alarm. For this purpose we use a microcontroller circuit that is connected to an ultrasonic sensor mounted on a servo motor for monitoring. We also interface a buzzer and LCD screen for monitoring the detection status. The radar keeps monitoring the environment checking the ultrasonic sensor echo. As soon as an object is detected…
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Commercial Power Saver System

Commercial Power Saver System

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Commercial Power Saver System Our project proposes to minimize the energy consumption and thus reduce the power loss in industries and establishments by making use of a number of shunt capacitors. This substantially reduces the electricity bill in industries and establishments. The power factor is also known as the ratio of real power to apparent power. It is also represented as KW/KVA, in the equation KW stands for the active or real power where as KCA stands for reactive + active or apparent power. The power generated by inductive as well as magnetic loads in order to create a magnetic flux is known as reactive power which is a non working power. An increase in the reactive power increases the apparent power, thus decreasing the power factor. With low power…
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Thyristor Based Cyclo Converter

Thyristor Based Cyclo Converter

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Thyristor Based Cyclo Converter The project aims at controlling the speed of a single phase induction motor making use of cyclo convertor mechanism through thyristors. It becomes difficult to control the speed of induction motors that usually operates at constant speed. The process is carried out in three steps. The project uses a microcontroller of 8051 family interfaced to a pair of slide switches for selecting the required speed range as F, F/2 and F/3. Thyristor is used for the purpose of controlling speed as the Ac supply frequency to the induction motors cannot be changed. As the switches are set the microcontroller generates the pulses to trigger the SCR’s in a dual bridge.
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Obstacle Avoider Robotic Vehicle

Obstacle Avoider Robotic Vehicle

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Obstacle Avoider Robotic Vehicle Our proposed project puts forward an obstacle avoider robotic vehicle that uses ultrasonic sensors for this purpose. The system uses an 8051 family microprocessor to achieve this functionality. The robotic vehicle is designed to first track and avoid any kind of obstacles that comes it’s way. The vehicle achieves this smart functionality with the help of ultrasonic sensors coupled with an 8051 microprocessor and motors. The entire system combined gives the vehicle an intelligent object detection and obstacle avoidance scheme. This system allows the vehicle to guide itself in case it encounters any obstacle. The obstacle detection is done using the ultrasonic sensor. This is detected and a signal is passed on to the 8051 microcontroller. On receiving the signal it guides the vehicle in another…
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Attendance System Based On Rfid

Attendance System Based On Rfid

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Attendance System Based On Rfid Our project consists of an RFID based attendance system that allows for automatic attendance marking by using RFID tags. Every student is provided with a unique authorization tag/card that is used to record his/her attendance. A lot of time is wasted in schools and colleges for manual attendance procedures, in such cases our system provides an instant and automated attendance marking system. Every authorized student is provided with a unique RFID tag/card with his/her details fed in it. The tag consists of a built in integrated circuit that stores this data through modulating and demodulating transmitted radio frequency signals. The data thus stored in this card is the unique identification of that person. As soon as the card is placed in front of the RFID…
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RFID Based Passport Project

RFID Based Passport Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
RFID Based Passport Project The project designed is an authentication system where the passport holder is authorized through RFID technology. The passport holder would have an RFID tag which contains all the passport details like name, number, nationality etc. This tag has to be swiped over the reader and the information thus read is provided to a microcontroller of 8051 family. This information is matched with the one stored in the microcontroller, if the data matches microcontroller displays an confirmation message otherwise displays a denial message on a LCD screen. The status of a particular person can also be obtained through a status button in the system.
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Home Appliance Control Using Android Application

Home Appliance Control Using Android Application

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Home Appliance Control Using Android Application Our project controls electrical loads by making use of an android application. The proposed system is used to control electrical loads based on the Bluetooth input signal received from the android device. It becomes difficult to keep operating electrical switches manually each time by elderly and handicapped people. This system solves the issue by interfacing a unit with home appliances that switches these loads based on the input received from android device. The android device may be any android based phone or tab having an android OS. The app also provided an effective GUI for providing this functionality. An 8051 microcontroller is used in this system. The Bluetooth receiver is interfaced with microcontroller in order to accept the commands and then react accordingly. It…
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Security Access Control Using Rfid

Security Access Control Using Rfid

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Security Access Control Using Rfid Our project aims at providing a secure authentication system based on RFID tags that allow only people with authorized RFID tags to access secure area. Security is an important issue for every enterprise. It is important to protect physical as well as intellectual property protection. Due to this concern only authorized people with proper tags must be allowed to enter the premises. The tag holds an integrated circuit that is used to store, process data as well as modulate and demodulate the RF signals being transmitted. So as soon as a person brings the RFID tag/card before the reader, the card is scanned and card data is compared with registered users data. If the data matches, microcontroller turns ON the load through a relay that…
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Robot Controlled By Android Application

Robot Controlled By Android Application

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Robot Controlled By Android Application Our project proposes a robotic vehicle that can be handled remotely through an android based device. The control device is integrated with a Bluetooth device that allows capturing and reading the commands. The robotic vehicle may then be operated as desired as commanded through the android application. The vehicle is integrated with a microcontroller of 8051 family that is used to operate the vehicle as per android commands. The controlling device may be any android based Smartphone/tab etc having an android OS. The android controlling system provides a good interactive GUI that makes it easy for the user to control the vehicle. The transmitter uses an android application required for transmitting the data. The receiver end reads these commands and interprets them into controlling the…
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Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Project

Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Project The project aims at measuring the distance of any object with the help of an ultrasonic transducer for inaccessible areas like high temperature, pressure zones where the traditional methods are inappropriate to be implemented. A microcontroller of 8051 family is used to interface the ultrasonic module. Ultrasonic module consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The module transmits the sound waves to the object and the transducer receives the waves reflected back from it. The measurement of the distance is calculated by the total time taken from sending the waves and receiving it with respect to the velocity of sound. The calculation is done by the programmed microcontroller and displays it on LCD screen.
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Dish Position Controller Using TV Remote

Dish Position Controller Using TV Remote

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Dish Position Controller Using TV Remote The proposed project aims at automatically positioning a dish to exact angle for receiving maximum signal by using a TV remote. The project uses a microcontroller of 8051 family which is interfaced to two motors that causes the dish movements in horizontal and vertical direction according to the commands generated by microcontroller. By operating a TV remote, coded signals are transmitted from it to IR receiver that is interfaced to microcontroller. IR receiver decodes the data (signal) and sends it to microcontroller that initiates the motors for movements through motor driver IC interfaced to motors. TV remote uses standard RC5 code that can be recognized by microcontroller to generate appropriate output signals.
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Thyristor Based Dual Conversion

Thyristor Based Dual Conversion

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Thyristor Based Dual Conversion The project is a control system for power electronics that achieves polarity DC from AC rectification using forward and reverse converter. Thus Dc motor can be moved in both directions and the speed can also be controlled. Thyristor controlled bridge is used for the purpose of achieving DC motor reverse polarity for either direction rotation, in single phase converter. The speed is reduced by microcontroller gradually that triggers each bridge SCR bank which is interfaced through opto-isolators. Switches interfaced to microcontroller are used for providing input to microcontroller. For instance, if 230V AC is given as input to dual SCR Bridge and 100Watt lamp load is used, DC polarity is checked across lamp.
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Object Counting Using 7 Segment Display

Object Counting Using 7 Segment Display

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Object Counting Using 7 Segment Display The project is designed to monitor the counting operations in industries. For example, products moving on a conveyor belt are counted by IR interruption concept and displayed on a seven segment display. There are two pair sensors, each kept at certain distance from the other. One pair of sensor consists of a transmitter and a receiver, kept exactly opposite to each other. The transmitting part emits modulated IR light which is received at the receiver end and fed to a microcontroller of 8051 family. When an object passes through the sensors then microcontroller gets interrupt signal (from IR sensors) and increments the count to displays it on 7 segments displays. Count down is also achieved if the object moves in reverse direction. This project…
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DC Motor Speed Control By Android

DC Motor Speed Control By Android

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
DC Motor Speed Control By Android This system DC motor Controller by Android is developed to control the speed of the DC motor in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction. For this DC motor is interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller. A Bluetooth modem is used to receive direction commands and PWM commands. When an Android device sends commands, it is received by the Bluetooth modem which then sends the commands to the microcontroller. The microcontroller the controls the DC motor through motor driver. The entire system is powered by 12V transformer. LCD display is used to show the status and the speed of the DC motor. The android application is used to control the entire system. The start button is first clicked to start the motor and then the motor can…
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Zero Contact TachoMeter (SpeedOMeter)

Zero Contact TachoMeter (SpeedOMeter)

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Zero Contact TachoMeter (SpeedOMeter) The project aims at developing a zero contact speedometer for a brushless dc motor. Most tachometers use contact based system to measure speed. But in some cases it is not possible to measure the speed of a panel or shaft using contact based methods due to technical issues or safety concerns. Our zero contact speedometer allows for detecting the speed from a distance. Our system is based on an IR transmitter and receiver to fulfill this purpose. It makes use of a reflector shaft that reflects IR rays back on each movement. These arrangements are capable of showing measuring the speed of the motor. The system uses an 8051 microcontroller for this purpose. A IR sensor pair generates a signal on each reflected ray which is…
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Remote Vehicle Control Through Cell Phone Using DTMF

Remote Vehicle Control Through Cell Phone Using DTMF

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Remote Vehicle Control Through Cell Phone Using DTMF The proposed project aims to drive a vehicle using a mobile phone. The project requires two mobile phones, one to control the robot that sends DTMF commands to another one mounted on the robot vehicle. A DTMF decoder interfaced with the microcontroller of 8051 family receives the commands and with the help of a motor driver operates the vehicle movement. Thus according to the commands sent from the phone two DC motors enables the vehicle movement through motor driver IC. A battery is used for power source.
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Device Load Monitor With Programmable Meter For Energy Audit

Device Load Monitor With Programmable Meter For Energy Audit

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Device Load Monitor With Programmable Meter For Energy Audit The system is designed in order to calculate the energy consumption of a load in units and the cost incurred over the use in rupees in accordance to the number of hours that the load is to be used. The result is provided instantly allowing user to save time wasted in energy audits. An energy audit is a power consumption survey of the amount of units consumed by a particular device and the cost incurred over it to determine if the device is economical use in domestic or industrial sectors. Since electricity cost per unit has increased a lot these days, energy audits for devices have gained importance. Our project consists of an instant energy auditing system using 8051 microcontroller that…
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TV Remote Controlled Robotic Vehicle Project

TV Remote Controlled Robotic Vehicle Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
TV Remote Controlled Robotic Vehicle Project The project is designed to control a robotic vehicle using a standard TV remote. IR sensor is interfaced to the control unit on the robot for sensing the IR signals transmitted by the remote. This data is conveyed to the control unit which moves the robot as desired. An 8051 series microcontroller is used in this project as control device. Transmitting end uses a TV remote through which IR commands are transmitted. At the receiver end, these commands are used for controlling the robot in all directions such as forward, backward and left or right etc. At the receiving end the movement is achieved by two motors that are interfaced to the microcontroller. RC5 based coded data sent from the TV remote is received…
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TV Remote Controlled Home Appliances Project

TV Remote Controlled Home Appliances Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
TV Remote Controlled Home Appliances Project The project is designed to operate electrical loads using a TV remote. The remote transmits coded infrared data which is then received by a sensor interfaced to the control unit. The system operates electrical loads depending on the data transmitted from the TV remote. Operating conventional wall switches is difficult for elderly or physically handicapped people. This proposed system solves the problem by integrating house hold appliances to a control unit that can be operated by a TV remote. RC5 based coded data sent from the TV remote is received by an IR receiver interfaced to the microcontroller of 8051 family. The program on the microcontroller refers to the RC5 code to generate respective output based on the input data to operate a set…
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Auto Irrigation Using Soil Moisture Sensing

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Auto Irrigation Using Soil Moisture Sensing The project is intended to provide proper amount of irrigation to agricultural fields by observing the moisture content of soil. The project automates the process of manually irrigating the fields by switching the pump ON/OFF. It is implemented by using an 8051 series microcontroller, programmed such as to collect input signals that measures moisture content of soil through sensing arrangement. Sensing arrangement is made by inserting two stiff metallic rods into the field at some distance. An op-amp is used as a comparator that interfaces microcontroller and the sensing arrangement. On receiving the signal, the microcontroller produces an output that drives a relay and operates the water pump. Also LCD is used which is interfaced with microcontroller for displaying the moisture content of soil…
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Running DC Motor At Desired Speed

Running DC Motor At Desired Speed

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Running DC Motor At Desired Speed This system DC motor Controller by Android is developed to control the speed of the DC motor in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction. For this DC motor is interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller. A Bluetooth modem is used to receive direction commands and PWM commands. When an Android device sends commands, it is received by the Bluetooth modem which then sends the commands to the microcontroller. The microcontroller the controls the DC motor through motor driver. The entire system is powered by 12V transformer. LCD display is used to show the status and the speed of the DC motor. The android application is used to control the entire system. The start button is first clicked to start the motor and then the motor can…
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Industry Temperature Controller System

Industry Temperature Controller System

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Industry Temperature Controller System Our project aims to monitor and control the temperature of devices as per it’s requirements in the industrial use. It is also used to show the current temperature on an LCD display. An 8051 microcontroller is used for this purpose. We here use IC DS1621 to sense temperature. IC DS1621 is a Digital Thermometer as well as a Thermostat that is used to provide a 9 bit temperature reading that indicates the temperature control of device. An EEPROM is used as a non-volatile user desired temperature settings. This is done through an 8051 microcontroller. A set of switches are used to get input temperatures from the user. The switch input is stored in EEPROM -24C02. Pressing set button allows user to adjust the minimum and maximum…
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Motion Based Auto Door Opener

Motion Based Auto Door Opener

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Motion Based Auto Door Opener Our system puts forward an automatic and precise door opening system based on human movement sensing near the door. Well opening a door in places like hotels, Shopping complexes, and offices can be a tedious task and sometimes requires hiring a person just for the sake of opening door whenever a person arrives. Well this project proposes a system that allows for automatic door opening solution by sensing human presence near it. Our system achieves this functionality with the help of PIR sensors. PIR stands for passive infrared sensors. Every live body emits some infrared energy. This energy is sensed by a PIR sensor from a good distance. This signal is then processed and door is opened and closed based on this data. When a…
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Cable Fault Distance Finder Project

Cable Fault Distance Finder Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Cable Fault Distance Finder Project The project can detect any fault in underground cable from base station in km. It takes a lot of time in finding the exact location of the fault. Hence by using the concept of Ohms law, it becomes easy to find the exact location. According to the law, when a low DC voltage is applied on the feeder end by a series resistor, then the current will differ on the basis of the location of fault. If there happens to be short circuit then the voltage across the series resistors i.e. cable lines changes respectively. This voltage change is then fed to an ADC that produces digital data and is displayed in km by the microcontroller. The project uses a set of resistors for cable…
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Street Light Automatic Intensity Controller

Street Light Automatic Intensity Controller

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Street Light Automatic Intensity Controller In present system, highways are usually lightened up by using HID (High Intensity Lamps) that consumes huge amount of energy and moreover its intensity cannot be varied as per need. Therefore the system “Street light automatic intensity controller” overcomes these limitations by making use of LED’s (Light Emitting Diodes) as light source and simultaneously its intensity can be varied and controlled according to requirements. A microcontroller of 8051 family is used for this purpose that contains programmable instructions to control the intensity by producing pulse width modulated signals which drives a MOSFET to switch LEDs to achieve required results. Thus the intensity increases during peak hours and gradually diminishes in late nights. At sharp 6am it completely goes off and resumes again at 6pm. This…
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Microcontroller Based 4 Quadrant DC Motor Speed Control

Microcontroller Based 4 Quadrant DC Motor Speed Control

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Microcontroller Based 4 Quadrant DC Motor Speed Control The project aims at developing a speed control system for DC motors in four quadrants i.e. clockwise, anti-clockwise, forward brake and reverse brake. The project is useful to be used in industries for moving motors in both directions i.e. clockwise and anti-clockwise and can even apply forward and reverse brakes whenever required. The brakes functions by applying a reverse voltage in the motor for certain time. The speed is controlled by generating PWM pulses from microcontroller of 8051 family. A pair of push buttons is interfaced to microcontroller which is interfaced to operation motor by motor driver IC. The signals from the button are input to the microcontroller that in turn actuates motors in controlling speed.
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Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights Project

Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights Project The project aims at saving energy by detecting the vehicle movement on highways and switching on the block of street light ahead of it and simultaneously switching off the trailing lights. The project requires sensors to detect the vehicle movements and switches on the lights ahead of it. As soon as the vehicle moves ahead the trailing lights automatically switches off. This can be used to save a lot of energy instead of using conventional system where the street lights are remained ON. Another mode of operation can be used where the lights are remained ON with 10% intensity and when the vehicle passes by the lights ahead of it are switched on with 100% intensity and the trailing lights revert back to 10%…
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AC Power Strength Controller System

AC Power Strength Controller System

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
AC Power Strength Controller System The project aims at controlling the AC power by using the concept of firing angle control of thyristors. One can enter the required percentage of power supply through a keypad. The input is provided to a microcontroller of 8051 family that initiate the firing angle to adjust the load power. For matching the power to the required one, a TRIAC is used in series with the AC load. A LCD screen is used to display the power percentage that is provided by the user.
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Load Shedding Time Management For Utility Department

Load Shedding Time Management For Utility Department

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Load Shedding Time Management For Utility Department The project is an automatic load operation system that controls load operation, multiple numbers of times according to programmed instruction. The project eliminates the manual ON/OFF switching of load. A real time clock (RTC) is used to track the time and automatically switch ON/OFF the load. This project is required for load shedding time management which is used when the electricity demand exceeds the supply and there comes a need for manually switching ON/OFF the electrical devices in time. Hence this system eliminates the manual operation by automatically switching the load ON/OFF. A matrix keypad is interfaced with the microcontroller from where the specified time is input to the microcontroller. When this input time equals to the real time, based on the commands…
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Efficient Power Manager Project

Efficient Power Manager Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Efficient Power Manager Project The system is designed for optimum energy usage by monitoring the number of people present in the room. The electric loads are switched on as soon as someone is present in the room and switches of on detecting no presence. The system uses InfraRed Sensor pairs in order to fulfil this purpose and thus saves a large amount of energy. Each pair consists of 2 sensor pairs placed at a certain distance from one another in the opposite direction. The IR transmitter is used to transmit IR rays straight to the receiver which receives the input and feeds this to an 8051 Microcontroller. As soon as a person enters into the room, it is detected by the IR sensor module and this info is fed to…
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Vehicle Theft Detection/Notification And Remote Engine Locking

Vehicle Theft Detection/Notification And Remote Engine Locking

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Internet Of Things, Sensor
Vehicle Theft Detection/Notification And Remote Engine Locking The main purpose of this project is to prevent vehicle theft. This functionality is achieved by detecting vehicle status in theft mode and by sending an SMS which is generated automatically. This SMS is then sent to the owner of the vehicle. The owner can then send back the SMS tin order to disable the ignition of the vehicle. Thus in this way crimes can be reduced to a great extent as vehicles today are being stolen in large number. Hence, vehicles today require high security which can be achieved with the help of this application. How the system works is when a person tries to steal the vehicle, the microcontroller is interrupted and the command is sent to the GSM modem to…
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Early Flood Detection System

Early Flood Detection System

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
Early Flood Detection System The objective of this project is to monitor the flood situation & send alert in case of danger in the form of text message. The main objective of this project is to detect rising water level in a river at a reasonable distance from the rail track/ roadways and intimate that to the respective authorities through SMS, to take appropriate action. Floods lead to a vast loss of life and property in many countries. But in developing countries the lack of proper technology leads to more loss of life and property due to flood. This is due to lack of flood detection systems. Our project solves problem by implementing an early flood detection mechanism. In this project we will connect electrodes at different levels. Electrodes will…
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Programmable Sequential Load Operation Controlled By Android Application Project

Programmable Sequential Load Operation Controlled By Android Application Project

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Programmable Sequential Load Operation Controlled By Android Application Project Our project is designed to switch industrial loads by making use of android app through logic control device programmed by user. The system is made to be used in repetitive nature works. This remote controlling task is achieved through the use of any android based device (phone/tablet) running on an android OS. Using programmable logical in order to achieve sequential switching of loads proves a very costly operation. Here we propose a simple and cost effective alternative to the issue by making use of 8051 microcontrollers. The controlling part is provided on an android application. Various tasks and in today’s industries work on repeated operations in varied orders and intervals. Consider an example there a motor needs to run after every…
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Rf Controlled Robotic Vehicle With Metal Detection Project

Rf Controlled Robotic Vehicle With Metal Detection Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Rf Controlled Robotic Vehicle With Metal Detection Project Our project proposes a Metal detection robotic vehicle operated using Rf remote control wirelessly. The project demonstrates real life robotic vehicles used to detect land mines or other metal based objects on its path. The vehicle is fitted with a metal detection system that senses metals and then alarms the user about it through a buzzing sound of land mine possibility. The system works in conjunction with an 8051 series microcontroller to achieve this operation. The push buttons are used to send commands to move the vehicle forward, backward, left and right. Two motors at receiving end operate the vehicle as per the commands received. As soon as a command is sent it gets transmitted through rf transmitter. At receiving end an…
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RF Based Home Automation

RF Based Home Automation

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
RF Based Home Automation The project RF based home automation system is developed to automate the use of conventional lighting mechanism (wall switches) in house by using RF controlled remote. The project requires a RF remote that is interfaced to microcontroller (of 8051 family) on transmitter side which sends ON/OFF signals to the receiver. Receivers are connected with loads that can be turned ON/OFF by operating remote switches on transmitter wirelessly. Here the loads are interfaced to microcontroller by utilizing opto-isolators and triacs. Thus the system serves a convenient way of lighting up the house without any physical movements. As technology is advancing so houses are also getting smarter. Modern houses are gradually shifting from conventional switches to centralized control system, involving RF controlled switches. Presently, conventional wall switches located…
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Dynamic Signal Light Timings On Traffic Density

Dynamic Signal Light Timings On Traffic Density

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Dynamic Signal Light Timings On Traffic Density The project aims to provide an effective solution for controlling traffic signals according to the density of traffic at junction. Higher density traffic requires longer green signal than the one with low density hence the system serves this purpose. The project uses a microcontroller of PIC16F8 series that is interfaced with the IR sensors and photodiodes aligned in line of sight configuration across the load for detecting the density that changes the junction timings. The density is measured in three ways low, medium and high according to which the timings are allotted for signals
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Paid Car Parking Project Based On RFID

Paid Car Parking Project Based On RFID

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Paid Car Parking Project Based On RFID The project is a car authorizing system where the system can only allow a car entry when a valid RFID card id swiped by the car owner. The system also had paid parking facility where the amount of parking gets deducted automatically whenever the card is swiped and the available number of car parking are displayed on a seven segment display. The project requires a sensing circuits and a microcontroller to monitor the entry and exits of cars. The entry and exit is operated by an H-bridge arrangement. This arrangement operates the motors that enable exit and entry by opening and closing the door clockwise and anticlockwise. Whenever the card is swiped a buzzer sound comes. With every entry the available number of…
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IR Based Obstacle Detection Project

IR Based Obstacle Detection Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
IR Based Obstacle Detection Project The project is a car authorizing system where the system can only allow a car entry when a valid RFID card id swiped by the car owner. The system also had paid parking facility where the amount of parking gets deducted automatically whenever the card is swiped and the available number of car parking are displayed on a seven segment display. The project requires a sensing circuits and a microcontroller to monitor the entry and exits of cars. The entry and exit is operated by an H-bridge arrangement. This arrangement operates the motors that enable exit and entry by opening and closing the door clockwise and anticlockwise. Whenever the card is swiped a buzzer sound comes. With every entry the available number of parking gets…
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Induction Motor Speed Control Using TV Remote

Induction Motor Speed Control Using TV Remote

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Induction Motor Speed Control Using TV Remote This project aims at driving an induction motor in forward and backward direction wirelessly for specific applications. For instance, the project can be used to rotate an exhaust fan in both directions. Here a squril cage induction motor is used to describe the process in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. The direction is controlled using a TV remote. On pressing a button, the TV remote transmits an IR signal in RC5 code to IR receiver (TSOP-1738). The receiver receives the signal and sends an output to microcontroller of 8051 family. A relay driver IC is interfaced with microcontroller that switches in by-stable mode for split-phase induction motor to rotate in both directions.
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Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override

Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override The project aims to provide an effective solution for the traffic signal system to override the normal signal timings during emergency automatically. It happens when there is an emergency situation like ambulance, fire brigade stuck in traffic, they require priority to go first. Also the need arises when there arises high density at a particular direction. Hence the system uses an android application device remote control that overrides the signal timings by immediately giving green signal in the vehicle direction and red signal for all others. The project uses a microcontroller of 8051 family that is interfaced with the IR sensors and photodiodes aligned in line of sight configuration across the load for detecting the density. The density is measured in…
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FireFighter Robot

FireFighter Robot

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
FireFighter Robot This advanced project allows a user to control a fire fighter robot equipped with water tank and gun remotely wirelessly for extinguishing fires. For this purposes the system uses an Rf remote for remote operation along with rf receive based microcontroller circuit for operating the robotic vehicle and water pump. The rf based remote transfers users commands through rf signals which are received by the receiver circuit. The receiver circuit now decodes the data commands sent. It then forwards it to the microcontroller. Now the microcontroller processes these instructions and then instructions the vehicle motors to run the vehicle in desired directions. It also operates the water pump motor and pump direction motor to spray water based on users commands. This allows the user to operate the robot…
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Car Overspeeding Detection Project

Car Overspeeding Detection Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Car Overspeeding Detection Project Our proposed project aims to develop a system that detects cars driving at speeds over specified limit and inform concerned authorities immediately. Road accidents occurrences have increased recently so there needs to be a system that allows to detect overspeeding cars. Current speed detection systems are handheld guns held by police personnel that allow them to check car speed and then manually inform authorities about the vehicle. Whereas this proposed system does not need any human interception and records car speed as well as wirelessly informs authorities of overspeeding detections. The system first calculates the time required by the specific car for moving from first point to the second. Based on this data it calculates the car speed. This data is gathered and then transmitted by…
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Irrigation System running on Solar Power

Irrigation System running on Solar Power

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor, Solar Projects
Irrigation System running on Solar Power The system is an automatic irrigation system where the irrigation pump is operated from solar energy. It becomes tedious to manually operate the irrigation system and keep monitoring the water level of the soil. Hence the system uses solar power by using photo-voltaic cells instead of commercial electricity. The project requires an op-amp IC that acts as comparator and senses the soil moisture level. To measure the soil moisture content two copper wires are inserted into the soil at a certain distance. The sensors send the data to microcontroller which is interfaced to relay driver IC that initiates relay to operate pump motor to switch ON/OFF and the status of the pump is displayed on a LCD screen.
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Shuttling Metro Train Between Stations

Shuttling Metro Train Between Stations

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Shuttling Metro Train Between Stations This project is designed to demonstrate the technology used in metro train movement which are used in most of the developed countries. This train is equipped with a controller, that enables the automatic running of the train from one station to another. This proposed system is an autonomous train and it eliminates the need of any driver. Thus, any human error is ruled out. In this project microcontroller from 8051 family has been used as CPU. Whenever the train arrives at the station it stops automatically, as sensed by an IR sensor. Then the door is opens automatically so that the passengers can go inside the train. The door then closes after a prescribed time set in the controller by the program. It is also…
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Power Meter Reader Plus Load Control Using GSM

Power Meter Reader Plus Load Control Using GSM

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
Power Meter Reader Plus Load Control Using GSM The project consists of a Power meter reader system with gsm (sms sender device) interface. The energy department needs to send its employees every month in order to take energy meter readings. This is an expensive as well as a time consuming system. Our project determines a more efficient way to get energy meter readings. Both electricity company as well as user get their energy meter readings via sms every month. User may also control the system using sms. The energy meter is interfaced to a microcontroller of 8051 family. The energy meter readings are also read by the micontroller and displayed on an LCD Screen, this data is also sent via sms through a gsm modem interfaced to the microcontroller. The…
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Desired Lamp Illumination Control System

Desired Lamp Illumination Control System

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Desired Lamp Illumination Control System The project is a system that uses a microcontroller to maintain the illumination of a lamp by controlling a thyristor. The illumination is maintained by varying the voltage across it. The system uses the concept of firing angle control of thyristors. A matrix keypad is used to enter the percentage of illumination required by user. This input is fed to microcontroller which automatically initiates the firing angle control of thyristors and adjusts the power supplied to the lamp with the help of a solid state switching mechanism.
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Traffic Signals Synchronization

Traffic Signals Synchronization

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Traffic Signals Synchronization The proposed project is a traffic signal synchronization system that manages junction traffic such that the traffic always gets a green signal and never stops at the junction. The project eliminates traffic congestion that usually occurs in major cities. The project uses multiple microcontrollers that communicate with each other through serial communication. The microcontrollers’ controls the junction traffic such that when vehicles are travelling at certain speed, the signal gets automatically changed to green. For communication, the system uses serial buses and specific protocols. Hence this project overcomes the use of manpower and also eliminates human error.
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RPM Display For BLDC Motor With Speed Controller

RPM Display For BLDC Motor With Speed Controller

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
RPM Display For BLDC Motor With Speed Controller This project is used to control and measure the BLDC motor speed by using an IR speed sensor mechanism. There is a need for controlling a DC motor speed in industries that uses drilling, spinning, lathes, elevators etc therefore this system provides an efficient mechanism for increasing or decreasing the speed. The project comprises of three phases. The first one is input phase where desired speed is entered using switches. The second phase i.e. processing enables a RPM reference of motor by interfacing IR sensor mounted on shaft and microcontroller of 8051 family in the circuit. Microcontroller generates PWM pulses according to the input or switches to regulate the supply of DC power to motor. And the last phase i.e. output uses…
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Car Speed Checker With LCD Display

Car Speed Checker With LCD Display

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Car Speed Checker With LCD Display The project is a speed checker system that can detect rash driving and any kind of speed violation on highways and alert the traffic authorities. The conventional system uses a handheld radar gun which is aimed at the vehicle to record its speed and if there is any speed violation, nearest police station is informed. This process involves a lot of time consumption. Hence the proposed system is used to check the speed by calculating the time taken to travel between two set points at certain distance. An IR transmitter and a receiver are installed on the set points on either side of the road. A control unit calculates the time taken by the vehicle to travel from one set point to other and…
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DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener

DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener The main objective of this project is to unlock a garage door by a mobile phone using a unique password entered through the keypad of the phone. Opening and closing of garage doors involves human labor. In this proposed system, the opening and closing of a garage door is achieved by using a mobile phone. The owner can call to a mobile phone interfaced to the system which in turn is connected to the garage door that can open/close the door by entering the password. This method is very convenient as one doesn’t have to get down of his car to open/close the door physically. This project is based on the concept of DTMF (dual tone multi – frequency). Every numeric button on the…
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MC Based Line Follower Robot

MC Based Line Follower Robot

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
MC Based Line Follower Robot The project consists of a robotic vehicle designed to follow a desired path. This project uses a microcontroller of the 8051 family along with an IR transmitter coupled with photo sensing pair to keep track of the path. The line follower robot is used in various workshops, factories .etc where unmanned vehicles are used to follow a specific path without using tracks. Our system is used to design this line following robotic vehicle. It contains a photo sensor pair consisting of a photo diode and IR transmitter in each one. It helps the vehicle in finding its path along the line by signalling its microcontroller. 2 DC motors are used which are interfaced with the microcontroller through a motor driver IC. The signal from sensors…
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Automatic Toll Collection Project

Automatic Toll Collection Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Automatic Toll Collection Project The objective of this project is to automate the toll collection system using RF & µC. At every toll collection center, RF receiver will be interfaced with PC.Each vehicle will be provided RF Tx that will transmit its identity whenever it will pass through this toll collection centre. In data base of the PC, information of the vehicle will be stored. (Vehicle no. account status, etc.). The RF Rx at toll collection centre will receive the data from vehicle & deduct the amount of toll as per the tariff. Database will be designed in C#. µC will be used with RF Rx. Programming for µC will be done ‘C’. Camera will be installed at toll collection center which will take the image of the vehicle (vehicle…
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Wireless Red Signal Alerting For Trains

Wireless Red Signal Alerting For Trains

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Wireless Red Signal Alerting For Trains Railway networks are the biggest transportation networks used worldwide. Handling and managing such a vast network is not an easy task. The rail network consists of a lot of junctions and vast amount of signals on set distances to manage the train flow. Well the train driver needs to constantly check for any red signals on every post and decide whether to stop or move forward. It is very difficult to constantly keep track of every visual signal for the driver. So here we propose an automatic alerting system that alerts the driver of any red signal ahead. Our system works on the basis of Rf technology. Whenever a signal turns red, it sets on an rf transmitter fitted in it. The transmitter constantly…
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Billing System Based On RFID

Billing System Based On RFID

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Billing System Based On RFID We usually come across areas where barcodes are used for product identification and billing. But these tags need to be visible and sometimes need double scanning. Also these cannot be used for card scanning. Here we propose a rfid based billing system. RFID tags are easy to scan. They are detected by scanner even if they are covered by something. They also avoid product theft since they can be detected at the facility gates. Our system proposes an Rfid based billing system where we use rfid technology for product billing purpose. Our reader gathers the id and sends it to microcontroller for processing, it is displayed on an LCD display. This data can now be passed on to the computer for further billing and procedure.
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Dam Operation Based On Water Level

Dam Operation Based On Water Level

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Dam Operation Based On Water Level We here propose an automatic dam water level monitor and controller system. Our proposed project uses sensors to sense the water level and then opens the dam gate (motor used to demonstrate as dam gate) according to the water level. Our system uses multiple water level sensors (float sensors) for this purposes. The sensors are mounted at three different levels in order to check water level and provide signals accordingly. When water reaches first sensor it is sensed by it and displayed. When water reaches second sensor it provides a signal to the microcontroller and it opens the dam gate partially. As soon as the water level reaches the third sensor, it signals the microcontroller and the microcontroller then signals the motor to run,…
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Mini IR Radar For Unauthorized Object Detection

Mini IR Radar For Unauthorized Object Detection

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Mini IR Radar For Unauthorized Object Detection We here propose an automatic dam water level monitor and controller system. Our proposed project uses sensors to sense the water level and then opens the dam gate (motor used to demonstrate as dam gate) according to the water level. Our system uses multiple water level sensors (float sensors) for this purposes. The sensors are mounted at three different levels in order to check water level and provide signals accordingly. When water reaches first sensor it is sensed by it and displayed. When water reaches second sensor it provides a signal to the microcontroller and it opens the dam gate partially. As soon as the water level reaches the third sensor, it signals the microcontroller and the microcontroller then signals the motor to…
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Auto Lap Time Measurement System

Auto Lap Time Measurement System

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Auto Lap Time Measurement System Professional athletes, car drivers, bicycle riders need to keep practising by measuring their lap timings. While practising alone it is not possible for them to start and stop the stopwatch each time. At such time they need to focus on their performance instead of keeping track of the watch. So here we propose a system that can be work by user as a wrist watch. The system consists of a push button that needs to be pushed by user to start the system. On button press the microcontroller starts timer. The system also consists of an IR sensor pair, that is to be placed at finishing line. As soon as the user crosses the IR sensor pair it sends a signal to system to stop…
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CNG LPG Gas Leakage Detection & Accident Prevention System

CNG LPG Gas Leakage Detection & Accident Prevention System

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
CNG LPG Gas Leakage Detection & Accident Prevention System Gas leakage tragedies and accidents have led to heavy losses over the years. So it is very important to detect any gas leakage and prevent any accidents. So here we propose a system to detect LPG/CNG gas leakage scenarios and provide a security alert to intended users. We propose to build the system using a MQ6 gas detection sensor and interface it with Atmega 328 microcontroller along with an LCD Display. Our system uses the gas sensor to detect any gas leakages. The gas sensor sends out a signal to microcontroller as soon as it encounters a gas leakage. The microcontroller processes this signal and a message is displayed on the LCD so as to alert the user.
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Android Controlled Fire Fighter Robot

Android Controlled Fire Fighter Robot

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Android Controlled Fire Fighter Robot Our proposed project aims to develop an android controlled fire fighter robot that can be used to extinguish fires through remote handling. The vehicle consists of a water tank along with a pump which can throw water when needed. The system uses an 8051 microcontroller for this purpose. The android device is used as a transmitter to send over controlling commands to the vehicle. The android device provides a good touch based gui for controlling the robotic vehicle. The Bluetooth receiver on the vehicle is used to receive those commands sent by the android device. These are then fed to the motors responsible for controlling the vehicle movements in front, back, left and right directions. The Bluetooth receiver is interfaced with an 8051 microcontroller for…
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Android Controlled Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera

Android Controlled Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Android Controlled Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera Our project aims to provide a robotic vehicle equipped with a wireless camera having night vision capability for remote monitoring/spying purposes. The night vision camera allows for transmitting real time night vision video even in dark environments. Whatever is recorded by the camera can be viewed in PC for reference. This system is to be useful in war, terrorism and sensitive areas. It can also be used to operate in jungles and other environments humans cannot possibly enter during the night. The vehicle can be controlled remotely by an android device for easy operation. It uses android application commands to move in front, back and left right directions. The vehicle consists of receivers interfaced to an 8051 microcontroller. On receiving command from…
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RF Controlled Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera

RF Controlled Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
RF Controlled Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera This system uses RF remote controlled vehicle which has a camera that will be needed for spying purposes. The system proves to be very beneficial in places where humans cannot be sent for spying purposes such as military places as there can be some risk involved. The vehicle in this system has a night vision enabled camera. This vehicle can be operated wirelessly using RF remote. Here the camera send signals to the receiver used and the place that will be captured by the camera can be displayed remotely on a PC and can be recorded for further reference. In this system we use 8051 microcontroller in order to control the system which will be interfaced to the receiver. In this both…
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Remote Controlled Pick & Place Robotic Vehicle

Remote Controlled Pick & Place Robotic Vehicle

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Remote Controlled Pick & Place Robotic Vehicle This system is very beneficial for places where there is a need to pick an object move it and place it to some other place safely. If the object is being picked by a human, there is a risk of damage to the object which is avoided by this system. The system provides a robotic arm that is controlled by RF remote. This system also includes a vehicle so that the robotic vehicle can be moved to pick and place object with the help of robotic arm. The system uses 8051 microcontroller that is interfaced to the RF receiver. This RF receiver receives commands that are sent by the RF remote. As soon as the user presses the push buttons, the commands are…
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Android Controlled Automobile

Android Controlled Automobile

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Android Controlled Automobile An Android controlled automobile project that allows user to control a battery powered automobile wirelessly through an android application. The system uses a bluetooth modem as a medium to transmit signals between the android based phone and automobile. The android application provides a gui to the user. The commands sent through gui are sent in the form of string variables by the android application through an active bluetooth connection. These string variables are then received by bluetooth modem and then forwarded to the Microcontroller. The microcontroller now processes the data sent by bluetooth modem and checks for user commands. On recognizing direction commands sent by user(Forward|Backward|Left|Right), the microcontroller sends signals to appropriate driver IC’s. The driver IC’s now operate motors to achieve the desired movement of the…
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Automated Visitor Counter With 7 Segment Display

Automated Visitor Counter With 7 Segment Display

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Automated Visitor Counter With 7 Segment Display The system is designed for optimum energy usage and is very beneficial in case if we want to count the number of people going to attend a particular event or any function thereby helps in collecting data by counting the number of people.This is done by simply incrementing the counter. The system uses InfraRed Sensor pairs in order to fulfil this purpose and thus saves a large amount of energy. Each pair consists of 2 sensor pairs placed at a certain distance from one another in the opposite direction. The IR transmitter is used to transmit IR rays straight to the receiver which receives the input and feeds this to an 8051 Microcontroller. As soon as a person enters the area where the…
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Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Vehicle

Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Vehicle

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Vehicle This system is very beneficial for disabled people as it allows movement of a robotic vehicle on the basis of hand movements. The person just has to move his hand in order to move the vehicle in forward, backward, left or right direction. So the user does not have to press any buttons. The system includes a receiver circuit designed which will be mounted on a top of a glove which the user has to wear. The circuit on the vehicle includes RF receiver, 8051 microcontroller and Driver IC to operate the motors. The receiver circuit that is on the top of a glove includes atmega family microcontroller interfaced to the accelerometer. The commands that are detected by the IC on this circuit are sent…
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Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle

Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle This project Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle helps to control robot through voice commands received via android application. The integration of control unit with Bluetooth device is done to capture and read the voice commands. The robotic vehicle then operates as per the command received via android application. For this 8051 microcontroller is integrated in the system which makes it possible to operate the vehicle via android application. The controlling device may be any android based Smartphone/tab etc having an android OS. The android controlling system provides a good interactive GUI that makes it easy for the user to control the vehicle. The transmitter uses an android application required for transmitting the data. The receiver end reads these commands and interprets them into controlling the robotic vehicle.…
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Human Speed Detection Project

Human Speed Detection Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Human Speed Detection Project The main aim of this project is to detect speed of human. Thus this system proves very beneficial in areas of sports. In order o record the speed of humans, this system uses a handheld radar gun pointing towards the person of whose speed is to be detected. In case of running race, it may be required to detect speed of the participants to take the decision or for some other reason. The proposed system calculates the speed by considering the time taken parameter to travel from start to end point. For this IR transmitter and receiver are installed on either of the road side on the set points. Calculation of the time taken by the human is done by the control unit. The speed of…
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Machine Overheat Detection With Alert

Machine Overheat Detection With Alert

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Machine Overheat Detection With Alert This proposed system is used to detect temperature of devices that are overheated. This project is very beneficial especially in places like factories or industries consisting of big machines where it is very necessary to take some action in case the machine is overheated. The system uses a digital temperature sensor in order to detect temperature and pass on the data to the microcontroller. The 8051 microcontroller processes data and sends the temperature to be displayed on LCD screen. The display consists of 7 segment display unit to display up to 3 numbers. It consists of 4 push buttons for setting the high and low temperatures. Pressing set button allows user to increment and decrement the temperature of the system. The system uses 12V transformer…
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Voice Based Notice Board Using Android

Voice Based Notice Board Using Android

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Voice Based Notice Board Using Android We come across situations where we need to urgently need to display notices on a screen. For areas like railway stations and other such busy facilities the station master/announcer need not have to type in every announcement message manually on the screen. So here we propose an innovative android based notice display system that allows the user to display notices without typing them in manually. Here the announcer/administrator may speak out the message through his/her android phone, the message is then transferred wirelessly and displayed on the screen. To demonstrate this concept we here use an an LCD screen to display messages. The LCD is interfaced with an 8051 family microcontroller. We also use a Bluetooth receiver to get the android transmitted messages, decode…
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IR Based Traffic Density Detection And Signal Adjustment

IR Based Traffic Density Detection And Signal Adjustment

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
IR Based Traffic Density Detection And Signal Adjustment The project is a traffic signal controller system that reacts to the density of traffic. The time required on changing signals adjusts automatically depending on the density of traffic. Well traffic problems contribute a major problem in many cities and also increase fuel consumption as well as pollution. Traffic signals operating on fixed signal timing delays do not adjust to the changing traffic density. When the traffic density increase more than a limit at one particular side, it needs a longer green light duration to ease traffic flow. Our system uses a microcontroller of the 8051 family that is interfaced with IR sensors. These IR sensors are used for line of sight object detection using which the system gets an input of…
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Automated Elevator With Overload Alert

Automated Elevator With Overload Alert

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Automated Elevator With Overload Alert This system helps to indicate limit of an elevator, which is how many people can be inside an elevator at a particular time. The system displays the number of people inside an elevator with the help of 7 segment display. Each pair consists of 2 sensor pairs placed at a certain distance from one another in the opposite direction. The system includes InfraRed Sensor pairs which are placed near the elevator door. These sensors senses when a person enters an elevator and it opens the door of the elevator and simultaneously increments the counter for the number of people entering the elevator. The IR transmitter is used to transmit IR rays straight to the receiver which receives the input and feeds this to an 8051…
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Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights With External Light Sensing

Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights With External Light Sensing

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights With External Light Sensing The main aim of this project is that it saves energy by putting on the lights of the system only when the system detects movement of vehicle. The system switches on the street light ahead of the vehicle and switches off the trailing lights simultaneously. In order to detect movement of vehicles, sensors are used. The system automatically puts on the lights that are ahead of the vehicle detected and as soon as the vehicle moves ahead, the trailing lights are switched off. This is better than the existing system where the street lights are kept on always unlike this system where the street lights are put on only when movement of vehicle is detected which helps in saving lot of…
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Automatic Light Intensity Controller By External Light Sensing

Automatic Light Intensity Controller By External Light Sensing

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Automatic Light Intensity Controller By External Light Sensing Nowadays highways are lightened by using High Intensity Lamps. The disadvantage of this High Intensity Lamps is that it consumes a lot of energy and another disadvantage of this is that the intensity cannot be varied according to the requirement. To overcome this limitation, this system “Automatic Light Intensity Controller by External Light Sensing Project” is developed. To overcome the limitations specified above, it makes use of LED’s (Light Emitting Diodes) as light source and simultaneously its intensity can be varied and controlled as per the need. The programmable instructions to control the intensity by producing pulse width modulated signals which drives a MOSFET to switch LEDs to achieve required results are fed into the 8051 family microcontroller. Our system also senses…
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System To Measure Solar Power

System To Measure Solar Power

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor, Solar Projects
System To Measure Solar Power The designed project measures different solar cell parameters like light intensity, voltage, current and temperature by using multiple sensor data acquisition. The project uses a solar panel to monitor sunlight and a 8051 family microcontroller. The project requires an LDR sensor for measuring light intensity, a voltage divider to measure voltage and a temperature sensor to measure the temperature. These measurements are then displayed by the microcontroller to a LCD screen. Thus this system allows user to effectively monitor solar parameters using this system.
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Fully Automated Solar Grass Cutter

Fully Automated Solar Grass Cutter

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor, Solar Projects
Fully Automated Solar Grass Cutter The fully automated solar grass cutter is a fully automated grass cutting robotic vehicle powered by solar energy that also avoids obstacles and is capable of fully automated grass cutting without the need of any human interaction. The system uses 6V batteries to power the vehicle movement motors as well as the grass cutter motor. We also use a solar panel to charge the battery so that there is no need of charging it externally. The grass cutter and vehicle motors are interfaced to an 8051 family microcontroller that controls the working of all the motors. It is also interfaced to an ultrasonic sensor for object detection. The microcontroller moves the vehicle motors in forward direction in case no obstacle is detected. On obstacle detection…
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Android Military Spying & Bomb Disposal Robot

Android Military Spying & Bomb Disposal Robot

8051 Microcontroller, Android Mobile development, Sensor
Android Military Spying & Bomb Disposal Robot This innovative system is made for operations which involve high risk for humans to enter, especially for some criminal case and may prove very beneficial for military area for spying purposes. This system makes use of robotic arm as well as robotic vehicle which helps not only to enter an area involving high risk but also to pick whatever object it wants to. The system also includes night vision camera which will not only allow viewing whatever will be recorded in day time but also during night. The whole system is controlled via android application. The system sends commands to the receiving circuit mounted on the vehicle through android device application. The receiving circuit involves 8051 microcontroller and a Bluetooth device which receives…
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RF Controlled Robotic Vehicle

RF Controlled Robotic Vehicle

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
RF Controlled Robotic Vehicle The main purpose of the project is to control a robotic vehicle. This can be achieved by using RF technology for remote operation. It uses 8051 series of microcontroller to achieve its desired operation. This system uses push buttons at the transmitting end. With the help of these push buttons, the receiver is able to receive commands. These commands that are sent are used to control the movement of the robot which gives instructions for either to move the robot forward, backward, left or right etc. The movement of the vehicle is done with the help of two motors that are interfaced to the microcontroller. The RF transmitter acts as a RF remote control. This RF remote control has the advantage of adequate range that is…
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Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Arm

Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Arm

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Arm This system allows controlling a robotic arm by hand movements. This system uses RF receiver which is interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller which controls the driver IC which is responsible to control the movement of the arm. The transmitter circuit consists of an accelerometer sensor which is interfaced to the atmega microcontroller. The transmitter circuit sends commands to the receiver circuit. This commands indicates whether to move the robotic arm in upward or downward direction or whether the commands indicates to grip an object or release it.
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Accurate Room Temperature Controller Project

Accurate Room Temperature Controller Project

8051 Microcontroller, Sensor
Accurate Room Temperature Controller Project The main purpose of this Digital Temperature Controller is to control the temperature of any device like AC or any other electronic devices whose temperature keeps fluctuating and thus requires a constant watch on the device. The use of this system eliminates constant watching on the device by self controlling the temperature of the system. Our proposed project consists of digital temperature sensors for more accurate temperature control in various industries. Our system overcomes the disadvantages of thermostat/analog systems in terms of accuracy. This system can be used in any firm or organization where it is very important to maintain precise temperatures. LCD display is used to display the temperature and when the temperature exceeds the set limit, the lamp is switched off in order…
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