Graphical Password To Avoid Shoulder Surfing

Web | Desktop Application
Graphical Password To Avoid Shoulder Surfing Since conventional password schemes are vulnerable to shoulder surfing, many shoulder surfing resistant graphical password schemes have been proposed. However, as most users are more familiar with textual passwords than pure graphical passwords, text-based graphical password schemes have been proposed. Unfortunately, none of existing text-based shoulder surfing resistant graphical password schemes is both secure and efficient enough. In this paper, we propose an improved text-based shoulder surfing resistant graphical password scheme by using colours. In the proposed scheme, the user can easily and efficiently login system. Next, we analyze the security and usability of the proposed scheme, and show the resistance of the proposed scheme to shoulder surfing and accidental login. The shoulder surfing attack in an attack that can be performed by the…
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Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining It might have happened so many times that you or someone yours need doctors help immediately, but they are not available due to some reason. The Health Prediction system is an end user support and online consultation project. Here we propose a system that allows users to get instant guidance on their health issues through an intelligent health care system online. The system is fed with various symptoms and the disease/illness associated with those systems. The system allows user to share their symptoms and issues. It then processes users symptoms to check for various illness that could be associated with it. Here we use some intelligent data mining techniques to guess the most accurate illness that could be associated with patient’s symptoms. If the…
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ATM Detail Security Using Image Steganography

Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
ATM Detail Security Using Image steganography Now you can securely perform your ATM transactions with the help of this system as it provides 3 level of security. This system works as follows. Once the user enters the PIN, the user is prompted to enter the OTP (One Time Password) which is a 4-digit random password sent by the server to the user’s registered mobile number. On cross verification with the data stored in the system database, the user is allowed to make a transaction. The underlying mechanism involves combining the concepts of Cryptography and Steganography. The PIN and OTP are encrypted using AES 256. Then the encrypted data is steganographed with the image selected by the user which acts as the BASE image. The Steganographed image is sent to the…
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Organizational Procurement Management System

Web | Desktop Application
Organizational Procurement Management System Many domestic enterprises not only procurement costs, labour costs remain high. Especially with the continuous development of enterprises, procurement has expanded the traditional mode of operation and methods of procurement cannot meet the needs of modern enterprise procurement. In order to achieve the pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness, the establishment of procurement management information system is very necessary. In this paper, detailed analysis of the many drawbacks of purchasing management of domestic enterprises on the basis of the procurement and put forward their own views of management information systems, and we using technology to establish a specific experimental model. Today, different organizations employ various management techniques to carry out the efficient functioning of their departments. Procurement management is one such form of management, where goods…
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Preventing Phishing Attack On Voting System Using Visual Cryptography

Web | Desktop Application
Preventing Phishing Attack On Voting System Using Visual Cryptography Voting system Using Visual Cryptography (VC) aims at providing a facility to cast vote for critical and confidential internal corporate decisions. It has the flexibility to allow casting of vote from any remote place. The election is held in full confidentiality by applying appropriate security measures to allow the voter to vote for any participating candidate only if he logs into the system by entering the correct password which is generated by merging the two shares using VC scheme. Administrator sends share 1 to voter e-mail id before election and share 2 will be available in the voting system for his login during election. Voter will get the secret password to cast his vote by combining share 1 and share 2…
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Search Engine Using Web Annotation

Web | Desktop Application
Search Engine Using Web Annotation When user enters some words in search engine, system fetches automatically those pages which contain those words this happens due to web annotation. Web annotation has become one of the ongoing research topics. Here in this project we will apply web annotation on pages or images. User must enter the image names he is searching for and system will fetch those images which contains same image annotation. Web annotation helps to create user friendliness. A web annotation which is associated with web resources such as web pages or images. With a Web annotation system, a user can add, modify or remove information from a Web resource without modifying the resource itself. Web annotations are visible to the users. We here proposed a system where user…
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HR Attendance System Using RFID

Sensor, Web | Desktop Application
HR Attendance System Using RFID RFID Based Attendance System is a system developed for daily employee attendance in companies. Employees proper attendance management is till date a critical issue in many companies. Attendance plays a vital role in managing salaries of employees and also in tracking the regularity & sincerity of employees towards their occupation. The process of tracking attendance manually using pen and paper has become an outdated approach. It not only involves fake entries by employees but even sometimes lead to improper evaluation of attendance. There always exist a threat of records/register getting misplaced or may get damage due to unfavourable circumstances. To overcome all these drawbacks and many more than that we intend to develop a system which not only removes the tedious task of tracking attendance…
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Detecting Phishing Websites Using Machine Learning

Web | Desktop Application
Detecting Phishing Websites Using Machine Learning There are number of users who purchase products online and make payment through various websites.There are multiple websites who ask user to provide sensitive data such as username, password or credit card details etc. often for malicious reasons. This type of websites is known as phishing website. In order to detect and predict phishing website, we proposed an intelligent, flexible and effective system that is based on using classification Data mining algorithm. We implemented classification algorithm and techniques to extract the phishing data sets criteria to classify their legitimacy. The phishing website can be detected based on some important characteristics like URL and Domain Identity, and security and encryption criteria in the final phishing detection rate. Once user makes transaction through online when he…
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Card Payment Security Using RSA

Android Mobile development
Card Payment Security Using RSA Due to increasing e-commerce activity nowadays, there is a need for some encryption technique to ensure security and a way to ensure that the user’s data are securely stored in the database. Thus the system introduces RSA for this purpose. The RSA algorithm is a kind of asymmetric encryption algorithm which appeared in 1978. The algorithm is public key encryption algorithm which is a widely accepted and implemented by public. The use of RSA in this the system makes the process more secure. Now the bank transactions can be done securely without worrying about attacker getting access to the database as the data will be in encrypted form.
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Implementing Triple DES With OTP

Web | Desktop Application
Implementing Triple DES With OTP Triple DES is advantageous because it has a significantly sized key length, which is longer than most key lengths affiliated with other encryption modes. It derives from single DES but the technique is used in triplicate and involves three sub keys and key padding when necessary, such as instances where the keys must be increased to 64 bits in length. Known for its compatibility and flexibility, software can easily be converted for Triple DES inclusion. Triple DES encrypts input data three times. The three keys are referred to as k1, k2 and k3. Thus due to the use of 3 key ,triple DES is more secure and is sometimes preferred over the normal DES. The system combines this with the OTP which will also be…
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Image Character Recognition Using Signal & Pattern Analysis

Web | Desktop Application
Image Character Recognition Using Signal & Pattern Analysis Optical character recognition is conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text from image. Here we come up with system where pattern of the image is extracted and image text is recognized using Optical character recognition in matlab. System will recognize the pattern and will detect the characters in image. And will display those characters as output. Since image can be scanned photos or other images. We applied image preprocessing steps in order to extract only text from image. Image patterns will be stored in another directory. The query image is compared with image patterns stored in database. If image matches with the pattern stored in directory, system will apply algorithm to detect the text and display those…
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Online user Behavior Analysis On Graphical Model

Web | Desktop Application
Online user Behavior Analysis On Graphical Model Online shopping is growing on large scale. People purchase their products via internet. They just have to choose their products and make the payment. Users get their products on doorstep. Online shopping had made people’s life easier and faster. As online shopping is increasing, large amount of data on people’s online activities have become available on web. Use of such data can benefit a lot of applications. User behavior, online customer classification can be extracted from these web data. We proposed a system where we can extract the user’s online shopping behavior. System will extract user’s online behavior pattern and will show in graphical format. This graphical format helps the admin during decision making process. We propose a graphical hidden state model based…
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Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography

Cloud Computing, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography The proposed software product is liable to meet the required security needs of data center of cloud. Blowfish used for the encryption of file slices takes minimum time and has maximum throughput for encryption and decryption from other symmetric algorithms. The idea of splitting and merging adds on to meet the principle of data security. The hybrid approach when deployed in cloud environment makes the remote server more secure and thus, helps the cloud providers to fetch more trust of their users. For data security and privacy protection issues, the fundamental challenge of separation of sensitive data and access control is fulfilled. Cryptography technique translates original data into unreadable form. Cryptography technique is divided into symmetric key cryptography and public key cryptography.…
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Inter college Event Management System

Web | Desktop Application
Inter college Event Management System The project brings the entire manual process of Intercollege event management online which is built using Asp .Net as a front end and SQL Server as a backend. The main purpose of this project is to simplify the process of handling each event by providing a web interface for admin, teacher and students. The admin part consists of multiple modules where admin or the authorized person need to register the college name to initiate/create the event by adding the type of event (indoor or outdoor). System allows admin to add teachers who will conduct the particular event activity which is allotted by the admin itself, also can view the student registration for a particular event and lastly, viewing the results of all events held in…
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HR Management System

Web | Desktop Application
HR Management System Decision in assigning proper skillful hands for the project is and important issue in HR Module. The HR Administrator should report with the personal holding the necessary skills required for the project assignment. The decision in making analysis about the employee’s skills is a prime important before booting in. The proposed system of HR Module is the right software to be incorporated into the Automation of HR Software for helping the organization needs with respect to skillful Human Resource. The proposed system provides detail general information about the employee along with Educational, Certification, Skill and Project details. It enhances the HR Management in adding, viewing and updating employees’ details and generates various reports regarding employee’s skill and experience. Suggestions and Grievances posted by the employees are upheld…
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Cooking Recipe Rating Based On Sentiment Analysis

Web | Desktop Application
Cooking Recipe Rating Based On Sentiment Analysis You will find number of recipe online. Some might be correctly posted some may not. Recipes what you read will not be the same what you find after preparation. There are number of recipes you will find online which are incorrect. So in order to get right recipes, recipes must be rated by the user. Here we propose a system where user can select categories and post the recipes. Recipes are rated and commented by the visitors. So that user may end up by finding correct recipe online. We will apply sentiment analysis and text summarization approach to mine data. Sentiment analysis is a machine learning approach in which machine learns and analyze the sentiments, emotions etc about some text data like reviews…
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Price Negotiator Ecommerce ChatBot System

Web | Desktop Application
Price Negotiator Ecommerce ChatBot System Agent based automated negotiation can give a flexible instead of a fixed price in e-commerce, and can maximize the payoffs of bath buyer and seller. It can be seen as an ideal and efficient mechanism for business. After discuss the negotiation in e-commerce and intelligent agent technology, state of the art overviews is given of agent based automated negotiation, specifically three main approaches for automated negotiation: the decision theory, the game theory and the negotiation analysis. And then, give a view of some famous models. Finally, we point out that the automated negotiation is still in its infant stage, because there are still some difficulties in this field. The first is the ontology issue, the second is agents’ strategies and third is Communication protocol. Electronic…
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Sports Events Management Platform for Colleges

Web | Desktop Application
Sports Events Management Platform for Colleges The project brings the entire manual process of sports event management online which is built using Asp .Net as a front end and SQL Server as a backend. The main purpose of this project is to simplify the process of handling each sports event by providing a web interface for admin and teacher. The admin part consists of multiple modules to initiate with the sports event by adding the type of sport (indoor or outdoor), adding student who are interested in a particular sports activity, adding teachers who will conduct the particular sports activity which is allotted by the admin itself and lastly, viewing the results of sports event held in college. The teacher part has come up with handling all the sports related…
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Image Steganography Using Kmeans & Encryption

Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Image Steganography Using Kmeans & Encryption Steganography involves hiding of text, image or any sensitive information inside another image, video or audio in such a way that an attacker will not be able to detect its presence. Steganography is, many times, confused with cryptography as both the techniques are used to secure information. The difference lies in the fact that steganography hides the data so that nothing appears out of ordinary while cryptography encrypts the text, making it difficult for an outsider to infer anything from it even if they do attain the encrypted text. Both of them are combined to increase the security against various malicious attacks. Image Steganography uses an image as the cover media to hide the secret message. In this paper, we propose an image steganography…
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E Authentication System Using QR Code & OTP

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
E Authentication System Using QR Code & OTP In the proposed scheme, the user can easily and efficiently login into the system. We analyze the security and usability of the proposed scheme, and show the resistance of the proposed scheme to hacking of login credentials, shoulder surfing and accidental login. The shoulder surfing attack can be performed by the adversary to obtain the user’s password by watching over the user’s shoulder as he enters his password. Since, we have come up with a secure system schemes with different degrees of resistance to shoulder surfing have been proposed. In order to use this authentication system, user need to first register himself into this system by filing up the basic registration details. After a successful registration, user can access the login module…
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Social Media Community Using Optimized Clustering Algorithm

Web | Desktop Application
Social Media Community Using Optimized Clustering Algorithm Now-a-days social media is used to introduce new issues and discussion on social media. More number of users participates in discussion via social media. Different users belong to different kind of groups. Positive and negative comments will be posted by the user and they will participate in discussion . Here we proposed a system to group different kind of users and system specifies from which category they belong to. For example film industry, politician etc. Once the social media data such as user messages are parsed and network relationships are identified, data mining techniques can be applied to group of different types of communities. We used K-Means clustering algorithm to cluster data. In this system we detect communities by clustering messages from large…
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Android Places Finder Project

Android Mobile development
Android Places Finder Project The android places finder system consists of a list of places registered in the server memory. The android device acts as a client and PC acts as a server. The places data is stored on the server and mobile device is used to access it in order to display to the user. It consists of an admin login that allows admin to enter and store various places in the system. After successful entry the places get stored along with their logo, location and description in the system. The system when user by user allows him to first select a location in the drop down list. The system now allows user to select a type of places from the following list: Restaurants Theatres Hotels Attractions Gyms Now…
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Android Joystick Application

Android Mobile development
Android Joystick Application An android based joystick application project to control pc keyboard functions through an android mobile phone. This android based system is based on the concept of using an android based phone as a joystick. The software application is installed on an android phone and allows users to play games or control other pc functionality through their cell phone. The application is made using Eclipse and creates a joystick with motion buttons and 4 more buttons similar to a PlayStation joystick. The application when installed and run on an android based phone shows a joystick settings screen. The screen allows the user to select a keyboard key and assign its functionality to one of the buttons on the android joystick. So when the user presses the joystick key,…
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Android Based Parking Booking System

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Based Parking Booking System The proposed project is a smart parking booking system that provides customers an easy way of reserving a parking space online. It overcomes the problem of finding a parking space in commercial areas that unnecessary consumes time. Hence this project offers a web based reservation system where users can view various parking areas and select the space to view whether space is available or not. If the booking space is available then he can book it for specific time slot. The booked space will be marked yellow and will not be available for anyone else for the specified time. For demonstration we will be using 4 parking spaces and each parking space will have 20 time slots. This system provides an additional feature of cancelling…
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Grocery Shopping Android

Grocery Shopping Android

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Grocery Shopping Android A grocery shopping is an android application where users can purchase and order groceries online. The system is developed with a user-friendly and attractive GUI. It delivers a wide range of groceries available online. Users have to first login into the system to view the groceries and add them into their cart. They can then order it by making a secure online payment via CREDIT CARD. The system functionality of products and orders is stored on server side in a web service. The android app is for client usage. It consists of client side scripting for placing orders by connecting to the server side webservice.
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Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile Gps Tracking

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile Gps Tracking The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location information .This system uses GPS to track the location of the vehicle. This system will track location of the vehicle and will send details about the location to the admin. This system helps admin to find out the location of the driver driving the vehicle. Admin will know which driver is in which location. This system can be implemented in call taxi to find out the location of the driver driving the vehicle and will help the admin to allocate taxi to the customer. User login to the system using his user id and password. System will track the user’s location with the help of GPS and will send…
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Android Employee Tracker

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Employee Tracker This system is a combination of web as well as android application where the user will be using the android application and admin as well as HR will work with web application. This application is meant for field work Employers. The Employee will have this application in his android phone, when the user will login to the system his image will be captured and his GPS location will be send to the admin where admin will view image and GPS location in web application. After Login, GPS location of the employee will be tracked automatically by the system and send to the admin after every 5 minutes .When employee logout the system again the image will be captured as well as GPS location will be send to…
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Geo Trends Classification Over Maps Android

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Geo Trends Classification Over Maps Android The developed application is android based application from which multiple users can talk or comment about the latest trends. The application allows user to talk about ongoing latest trends from irrespective of user’s location. The application has the GPS (Global Positioning System) access to tag the GPS location of user while commenting or posting about the trend on an application. The system receives these GPS coordinates and allows the admin to check the coordinates of the user through a web application. The user may comment about various trends and can specify a special keyword using hash (#) tag. For ex. #Diwali. There is a web application developed for admin where admin will get to know about the latest trend going on around the world.…
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Android AI Diet Consultant

Android Mobile development, Artificial Intelligence & ML, Web | Desktop Application
Android AI Diet Consultant Artificial dietician project is an application with artificial intelligence about human diets. It acts as a diet consultant similar to a real dietician. This system acts in a similar way as that of a dietician. A person in order to know his/her diet plan needs to give some information to the dietician such as its body type, weight, height and working hour details. Similar way this system also provides the diet plan according to the information entered by the user. The system asks all his data from the user and processes it to provide the diet plan to the user. Thus the user does not need to visit any dietician which also saves time and the user can get the required diet plan in just a…
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Android Voting System

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Voting System This application provides is a new technique of casting votes using mobile phones. Android voting system is an application developed for android devices to deploy an easy and flexible way of casting votes anytime and from anywhere. The application is especially developed for organizations to get employees votes for any new policy regulation or issues. The issues or arguments are fed into the system by the admin. Employees can then cast their vote as yes or no. One voter can only post one vote for an argument. Each and every vote casted is stored in the database for the respective argument. At the end of the voting process the system counts the total votes and generates a brief report of it to the admin. Thus the app…
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Android Graphical Information System

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Graphical Information System The purpose of developing this android application is to search the places by inputting a keyword which smartly searches for the desired location and place. This application also enables users to add the missing places on the map by just providing the details. GIS for Tourist is an Android application which enables user to manually input data of new places with their attributes such as name of the place, area, location, phone no. (If Applicable) & image of that place. If some of the user is at such a location or place which doesn’t exist on a map then user can simply add the missing place on a map and also can capture and input image file while filling up the details. After filling up all…
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Android Sentence Framer Application

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Sentence Framer Application English is one of the easier languages to learn, compared to other complex languages. Learning English is useful for many reasons, but achieving true fluency takes extra dedication and determination. While you may speak excellent English, you’re not considered “fluent” until you achieve a certain fluidity in speaking and feel comfortable using expressions and idioms. To master in English sentence and fluency, we here developed a software project named Sentence Framer. The application displays various categories like food, games, breakfast, etc…from which the user can select any one of the category to display the contents of it. After selection of any one category, the application allows user to select multiple images of his choice from which the application frames a sentence and displays to the user.…
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Android Pc Controller Using Wifi

Android Mobile development, Sensor
Android Pc Controller Using Wifi An Android based PC Controller using Wi-Fi is an android application that works like PC mouse. This application smartly controls pc keyboard functions and mouse operations through an android mobile phone. This android application is based on the concept of using an android phone as a mouse. The software application once installed on an android phone can allows users to play games or control other pc functionality through their android phone. The application is made using Eclipse and creates a QWERTY keypad buttons similar to the one used in PC. With the keypad, user can even use it for typing it on any word processor and can operate any application. The application when installed and run on an android based phone shows a mouse settings…
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Student Faculty Document Sharing Android Project

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Student Faculty Document Sharing Android Project This project is an online portal between students and faculty. This innovative system allows college faculty to share important data as well as notifications with engineering students. It consists of a faculty login along with student login. Since college faculty operates through pc and document uploading is simpler through a pc, the faculty login is to be performed through a computer. Faculty may upload documents of subject syllabus, timetable document, notifications, e notes etc through their provided login. The documents are uploaded by faculty to different corresponding departments. We propose to build this system on an online server that allows faculty to upload data and students may view search and download required documents through their android device. Here students only see and download data…
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Smart Android Graphical Password Strategy

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Smart Android Graphical Password Strategy Graphical Password application allows the user to set a pattern password for using the other applications. The pattern are some set of fruits which randomly changes its position every time you try to login. The user has to provide his details for registration and then has to draw a pattern as a password by drawing it twice. The user has to select an application while registration itself and can have multiple accounts for every single application. The pattern is a 4X4 Grid consisting of multiple fruits images, the user has to drag or draw at least over 4 fruits for the application to consider his pattern lock. The Application auto generates a Unique Id for every User who wants to register. After the user has…
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Android Local Train Ticketing Project

Android Mobile development, BSC IT & BCA, BSC IT & BSC CS, MCA, MSC IT, Web | Desktop Application
Android Local Train Ticketing Project A local train ticketing system project for local trains that allows users to book local train tickets and get ticket receipt online. This local train project provides login rights for normal users and admin. A normal user may login and get a ticket online, print it and travel by train. The ticketing process consists of a ticket booking form. The form allows the user to choose his source and destination. The source is the station from where the user will be boarding the train. Destination is the station he needs to get down at. The project database is already filled with stations on Mumbai western central and harbor line. It can be modified for any other city as needed. The system also consists of an…
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Android Text Encryption Using Various Algorithms

Android Mobile development, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Android Text Encryption Using Various Algorithms Users communicate over all social media, but messages are not secured when it passes through network. Intruder can access user’s message easily. We want to secure users communication over all social media. So here we proposed a system where user will enter the plain text and select the algorithm type from AES,DES,MD5,….. and provide the key, a chipper text will be formed that can be sent via any communication application and end user can decrypt the text by selecting the same algorithm type and must enter the same sender secret key. User can use our application and can enter the plain text and must select the algorithm type and must enter the secret key to encrypt the message and receiver can decrypt the message…
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Your Personal Nutritionist Using FatSecret API

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Your Personal Nutritionist Using FatSecret API Personal Nutritionist as the name, the system can act as your personal nutritionist while this system can be used also by nutritionist gaining a lot of information and help in many ways. FatSecret API helps the System to get the information in many ways. The user can get details about a number of nutrients, vitamins etc of a fruit or vegetable. The user can add his recipes or get recopies using the API. The System basically helps the user in what to eat and which is good, what will help him and etc, the system will help him filter things easily. The System also allows the user to make a diet plan and remind him his food timings.
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Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired This is an innovative System for visually impaired people and acts as a voice assistant for them. This system is used to help the visually impaired to have access to the most important features of the phone enhancing the quality of the system making use of different custom layouts and using speech to text. The System has custom messaging feature with inbox and sent items, call log and dialer, notes and battery level checking and reminder. All actions performed by the user the system speaks out and helps the user to know his current position. The System helps the user to also read the contents of the message along with the sender and the date and time, in whole everything. The system also allows the…
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Android Smart City Traveler

Android Mobile development, Artificial Intelligence & ML, Web | Desktop Application
Android Smart City Traveler The purpose of developing this android application is to create a schedule for the traveler travelling to city and wanted to explore the city by specifying the time in hours. System then smartly analyzes the questionnaire and creates a schedule for traveler based on provided time. The development is done in two technical languages as Java for Android Application for User/Traveler and Asp .net for Web portal which is used by Admin. First of all, traveler need to register himself by filling up the details using android application. After successful registration, user can login now using login credentials which then proceeds with questionnaire where application ask user about their likings and habits. Based on questionnaire, application smartly analyzes for the place based on user specified time.…
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Android Graphical Image Password Project

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Graphical Image Password Project Picture Patten Locking System allows the user to set a Custom Picture may be from the gallery or click it instantly and set it as a Password. The Picture is then Divided into 9 parts and represented as a 3X3 Patten of Cubes for Authentication in any order i.e. they are scrambled. The User has to select all the Nine Cubes as per the Original Picture Row Wise similar to solving a puzzle. The Pictures are Stored in the Phones Device Memory with the Folder Named User’s Full Name Underscore User Id (username_userid). In this app if the user credentials are correct a Custom Calculator is opened, while you can use any app.
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Android Based School Bus Tracking System

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Based School Bus Tracking System This system is a combination of web as well as android application where the driver will be using the android application whereas admin and parent will be using web application. This application is meant for drivers who is driving the school bus. System allows admin to add a new driver where driver id and password is generated and stored into the system. The driver will have the android application installed in his android phone, when the driver will login to the application, his GPS location will be sent and stored into database. As soon as driver logs in, GPS location of the driver will be tracked automatically by the application and stores the GPS co-ordinates into database after every 5 minutes. When driver logs…
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Android Attendance System

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Attendance System The mobile attendance system has been built to eliminate the time and effort wasted in taking attendances in schools and colleges. It also greatly reduces the amount of paper resources needed in attendance data management.This is an android mobile app. It’s built to be used for school/college faculty so that they may take student attendance on their phones. The system is divided into following modules: Student Attendance List Creation: Once this App is installed on a phone, a it allows user to create a student attendance sheet consisting of name, roll number, date, Absent/Present mark and subject. He has to fill student names along with associated roll numbers. Attendance Marking: The faculty has the list on his phone now. He may see the list call roll numbers…
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Traffic Signal: Management & Control System

Multimedia, Parallel And Distributed System, Web | Desktop Application
Traffic Signal: Management & Control System This innovative software projects is an effective traffic signal management project that allows for managing 4 way traffic signal management system. The system consists of 4 signals corresponding to each road. We here propose a density based traffic signal scheduling algorithm. The system is designed to manage traffic signal timings based on the density of traffic on its corresponding road. The system represents the traffic strength of a road graphically using traffic judgments. By measuring the traffic lined up on a particular road the signal timings are adjusted to let that particular way clear out and then the next populated one. The entire system works according to an algorithm that allows for smooth and efficient traffic flow across all four ways. It also consists…
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Question paper generator system

Parallel And Distributed System, Web | Desktop Application
Question paper generator system In this system we present a smart question paper generating system. In our system we allow administrator to input a set of questions and respective answers for option ticking. We also allow admin to provide weight age and complexity for each of these questions. After this the questions are stored in database along with their weight age. Now on question paper generating time the admin just has to select the percentage of difficulty. On this selection the system selects questions randomly in a way that their weight age makes up for 100 marks and according to difficulty that admin chooses the questions are chosen based on their complexity level. After this q paper is converted to pdf file and emailed to colleges on button click.
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Image Encryption For Secure Internet Transfer

Networking, Parallel And Distributed System, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Image Encryption For Secure Internet Transfer Encryption is commonly used for encryption of text as well as images. Various encryption algorithms exist for this purpose. Here we propose to build a secured image encryption algorithm that can be used to encrypt as well as send images remotely to the intended receiver. Our system can link to remote client to our software installed on remote system and connect to it for image transfer. Our system uses RSA algorithm for this purpose. User may submit his image for encryption. Our system now gets the image and converts it into hex format before being encrypted. Then we use RSA algorithm to encrypt the image for sending through the internet. User may now select the intended user from among the list of users having…
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Unique User Identification Across Multiple Social Networks

Multimedia, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Unique User Identification Across Multiple Social Networks There are number of social network sites that connect a large amount of people around the world. All social networking sites differ from each other based on various components such as Graphical User Interface, functionality, features etc. Many users have virtual identities on various social network sites. It is common that people are users of more than one social network and also their friends may be registered on multiple social network sites. User may login to different social networking sites at different timing, so user may not find his friends online when he logins to the particular social networking website. To overcome this issue our proposed system will bring together our online friends on different social networking sites into a single integrated environment.…
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Heart Disease Prediction Project

Data mining, Multimedia, Web | Desktop Application
Heart Disease Prediction Project It might have happened so many times that you or someone yours need doctors help immediately, but they are not available due to some reason. The Heart Disease Prediction application is an end user support and online consultation project. Here, we propose a web application that allows users to get instant guidance on their heart disease through an intelligent system online. The application is fed with various details and the heart disease associated with those details. The application allows user to share their heart related issues. It then processes user specific details to check for various illness that could be associated with it. Here we use some intelligent data mining techniques to guess the most accurate illness that could be associated with patient’s details. Based on…
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Warehouse Management System

Web | Desktop Application
Warehouse Management System The Warehouse Management System is a real-time warehouse database capable of handling large inventories of an organization. This can be used to track the inventory of a single store, or to manage the distribution of stock between several stores of a larger franchise. However, the system merely records sales and restocking data and provides notification of low stock at any location at a specified interval. The goal is to reduce the strain of tracking rather than to handle all store maintenance. The main goal of Warehouse Management System is to ensure consistent availability of supplies for consumers. Thus, Warehouse Management System is directed toward owners of small to large stores and stock managers who are responsible of maintaining sufficient goods on hand in a retail or manufacturing…
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Exam Cell Automation System

Web | Desktop Application
Exam Cell Automation System Currently Exam cell activity mostly includes a lot of manual calculations and is mostly paper based. The project aims to bring in a centralized system that will ensure the activities in the context of an examination that can be effectively managed. This system allows students to enroll themselves into the system by registering their names or by sharing details to admin. This is done by providing their personal and all the necessary details like Name, email, examination, semester, etc. The provided details are then entered by admin into the system to create their hall tickets and also creates login id and password for them. After creating the hall ticket, the system mails the link of soft copy to every student who have registered. Students containing link…
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Cooperative Housing Society Manager Project

Android Mobile development, Networking, Web | Desktop Application
Cooperative Housing Society Manager Project The Housing Society Management System allows members to login with their own account and get updated with society happenings. This system is the web portal to reduce conflicts among society members. The system has automated functionality for calculating monthly maintenance bill as well as members can view their bill status using their account. The system provides a unique interface to every user to interact with the system. System accepts queries from users and evaluates the need of the query and fires it over the database and results are displayed to the user. This system of maintaining a society is made in such a manner, so that the most common problem faced in residential societies are solved. In many societies, bills and receipts are being generated…
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Smart Cab System Using Barcode Scan

Networking, Web | Desktop Application
Smart Cab System Using Barcode Scan Smart Cab Barcode is a system that provides better service for Cab Drivers as well as Passengers. By using smart cab barcode, you can travel and pay using your travel card and all the payment will be done using this card. Here, we have an Admin who can register Drivers to this system by feeding details and his image into the system. Admin will also register users using his details and image into the system he will get a unique code and traveler’s card with this unique code, using which he can pay in future. Admin also has rights so add balance into the users account and he can view all details of User and Driver. Here, driver’s role is to just scan the…
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Topic Detection Using Keyword Clustering

Data mining, Networking, Parallel And Distributed System, Web | Desktop Application
Topic Detection Using Keyword Clustering To find prominent topic in a collection of documents. We here propose a system to detect topic from a collection of document. We use an efficient method to discover topic in a collection of documents known as topic model. A topic model is a type of statistical model for discovering topics from collection of documents. One would expect particular words to appear in the document more or less frequently: “dog” and “bone” will appear more often in documents about dogs, “cat” and “meow” will appear in documents about cats, and “the” and “is” will appear equally in both. A document typically concerns multiple topics in different proportions; thus, in a document that is 10% about cats and 90% about dogs, there would probably be about…
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A New Hybrid Technique For Data Encryption

Networking, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
A New Hybrid Technique For Data Encryption Data encryption has been widely applied in many data processing areas. Various encryption algorithms have been developed for processing text documents, images, video, etc. If we are able to collaborate the advantages of the different existing encryption methods, then a new hybrid encryption method can be developed which offers better security and protection. So, in order to accomplish the Hybrid encryption technique, data encryption techniques using Fibonacci series, XOR logic, PN sequence are studied, analyzed and their performance is compared in this paper. The message is divided into three parts and these three different techniques are applied to these parts and the performance is again analyzed. The application of these three different methods to different parts of the same message along with two…
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Secure Data Transfer Over Internet Using Image Steganography

Cloud Computing, Networking, Parallel And Distributed System, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Secure Data Transfer Over Internet Using Image Steganography Steganography is the technique of hiding private or sensitive information within something that appears to be nothing be a usual image. Steganography involves hiding Text so it appears that to be a normal image or other file. If a person views that object which has hidden information inside, he or she will have no idea that there is any secrete information. What steganography essentially does is exploit human perception, human senses are not trained to look for files that have information inside of them. What this system does is, it lets user to send text as secrete message inside an image file, user uploads the image and enters the text to send secretly, and gives a key or a pass word to…
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High Security Encryption Using AES & Visual Cryptography

Multimedia, Networking, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
High Security Encryption Using AES & Visual Cryptography A novel and highly secure encryption methodology using a combination of AES and visual crypto. With the ever increasing human dependency on The Internet for performing various activities such as banking, shopping or transferring money, there equally exists a need for safe and secure transactions. This need a system that automatically translates to the requirement of increased network security and better and fast encryption algorithms. This system addresses the above issue by introducing a novel methodology by utilizing the AES method of encryption and also further enhances the same with the help of visual cryptography. In this method the secret message is divided into two parts after which the message the first half of the message is encrypted using AES and the…
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Data Duplication Removal Using File Checksum

Multimedia, Parallel And Distributed System, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Data Duplication Removal Using File Checksum Data duplication technology usually identifies redundant data quickly and correctly by using file checksum technique. A checksum can determine whether there is redundant data. However, there are the presences of false positives. In order to avoid false positives, we need to compare a new chunk with chunks of data that have been stored. In order to reduce the time to exclude the false positives, current research uses extraction of file data checksum. However, the target file stores multiple attributes such as user id, filename, size, extension, checksum and date-time table. Whenever user uploads a particular file, the system then first calculates the checksum and that checksum is cross verified with the checksum data stored in database. If the file already exists, then it will…
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Sending a secure message over a network to a remote site

Parallel And Distributed System, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Sending a secure message over a network to a remote site We here use a system to securely transfer a message encrypted using Aes algorithm to a remote site so that only proper authentication at remote site can decrypt the message. The system also uses acknowledgements to signal the message integrity and delivery over the network. The system consists of two terminal applications running concurrently over two different PC’s. User may first use the sending tab to send a secure message. On using this function the accepts user string and key to encrypt it. The system then receives this message and encrypts it using AES algorithm. Now the system transfers this message to remote site using over a Tcp/ip internet connection. The receiving system sends out a notification acknowledgement to…
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Improved Data Leakage Detection

Parallel And Distributed System, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Improved Data Leakage Detection Data leakage detection techniques are built for users to track if data has been leaked and the trace the sources of data leakage. Many times we come across cases where leaked data is found at unauthorized places. For example we may find sensitive data stored on an unauthorized laptop or website. At such a time it becomes important to trace the source of data leakage. For this purpose we propose an improved data leakage detection technique to trace back sources of unauthorized leakage by using a strategy of data allocation across various agents. The strategy allows user to transfer data to users by considering receivers as agents who are allocated data along with some id based undetectable alterations. These alterations allow our system to trace back…
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Sentiment Based Movie Rating System

Data mining, Networking, Web | Desktop Application
Sentiment Based Movie Rating System We usually come across movie rating websites where users are allowed to rate ad comment on movies online. These ratings are provided as input to the website rating system. The admin then checks reviews, critic’s ratings and displays an online rating for every movie. Here we propose an online system that automatically allows users to post reviews and stores them to rate movies based on user sentiments. The system now analyzes this data to check for user sentiments associated with each comment. Our system consists of a sentiment library designed for English as well as hindi sentiment analysis. The system breaks user comments to check for sentimental keywords and predicts user sentiment associated with it. Once the keywords are found it associates the comment with…
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Secure Electronic Fund Transfer Over Internet Using DES

Networking, Parallel And Distributed System, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Secure Electronic Fund Transfer Over Internet Using DES Nowadays people often need to transfer cash from one account to another. In such cases they need to go to bank or search for PC connected to internet to get access to the services offered by internet banking for reliable fund transfer. This system proves to be really beneficial in such cases. As with the help of this system the user just needs to enter the account details. For security, DES algorithm is used along with instant verification and consistency check algorithm. All these are performed for secure electronic fund transfer. Thus a user just needs to visit any EFT center, in order to make the payment. The transfer is done instantly using a single portable card. In this way the user…
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Bikers Portal

Web | Desktop Application
Bikers Portal This is an online Bike and bike parts store that has listings of various bike along with their features. It also consists of Bike service Registration. This system allows user to buy bike, bike parts and inventory online. System allow user to check various articles submitted by user and even comment on them. Credit card payment facility is available. This system also consists of ‘Rent a Bike’ feature where user can ask admin for bike on rent. The visitor who visits the system must register himself by filling up personal details. After registration user can login to the system with his username and password in order to access the system. User can check various bike listing and can view each bikes feature. User can also check features of…
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College Enquiry Chat Bot

Data mining, Multimedia, Parallel And Distributed System, Web | Desktop Application
College Enquiry Chat Bot The College bot project is built using artificial algorithms that analyses user’s queries and understand user’s message. This System is a web application which provides answer to the query of the student. Students just have to query through the bot which is used for chating. Students can chat using any format there is no specific format the user has to follow. The System uses built in artificial intelligence to answer the query. The answers are appropriate what the user queries. The User can query any college related activities through the system. The user does not have to personally go to the college for enquiry. The System analyses the question and than answers to the user. The system answers to the query as if it is answered…
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Online Pizza Ordering System

Android Mobile development, Networking, Web | Desktop Application
Online Pizza Ordering System You must have ordered your pizzas on phone for home delivery. The process seems easy to use but at times there is miscommunication. As there is no visual menu shown during a phone call, the employees have to repeat a lot of things again and again to the customers. It’s a time consuming process which at times irritates customers. Also it takes a lot of time of the pizzeria staff. It would be much more comfortable for the customers to have an online pizza ordering system. It would be hassle free for users as they can select the pizzas they want and make payment for it. Also it will reduce the purchasing time for customers. Let us look at another benefit of using this system. Suppose…
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Intelligent Tourist Guide

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Intelligent Tourist Guide Nowadays people use mobile phones and other mobile devices. Most of us have a small computing device that is always with us. People use it example for calling, as calendar and organizer. Mobile devices with GPS receiver are also used to find paths in navigation. The main idea of this thesis was to design a system that will run on most of phones and palms and will be helpful when visiting some new places and cities. This system should be able to find a route using user criteria. Those criteria should be simple and natural, like for example: a list of museums, the most famous historical objects, restaurants to visit, constraints to travel by bus and by walking. The system should find a path that fulfills those…
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Encryption & Decryption Using Deffie Hellman Algorithm

Multimedia, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Encryption & Decryption Using Deffie Hellman Algorithm The spectacular growth of the Internet has spawned an increased awareness of and interest in security issues. Although security has been considered in the design of the basic Internet protocols, many applications have been and are being designed with minimal attention paid to issues of confidentiality, authentication, and privacy. As our daily activities become more and more reliant upon data networks, the importance of an understanding of such security issues will only increase. Many cryptographic algorithms (e.g., DES, AES) require the establishment of shared keying material in advance. Manual distribution of keying material is inefficient and complex. This is where the Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement algorithm is useful. The project is developed using Visual Studio with C# .Net as programming language. There is only…
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Detecting Fraud Apps Using Sentiment Analysis

Data mining, Networking, Web | Desktop Application
Detecting Fraud Apps Using Sentiment Analysis Most of us use android and IOS Mobiles these days and also uses the play store or app store capability normally. Both the stores provide great number of application but unluckily few of those applications are fraud. Such applications dose damage to phone and also may be data thefts. Hence, such applications must be marked, so that they will be identifiable for store users. So we are proposing a web application which will process the information, comments and the review of the application. So it will be easier to decide which application is fraud or not. Multiple application can be processed at a time with the web application. Also User cannot always get correct or true reviews about the product on internet. So rating/comments…
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Data Standardization Using Hidden Markov Model

Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Data Standardization Using Hidden Markov Model Record linkage refers to the process of joining records that relate to the same entity or event in one or more data collections. In the absence of a shared, unique key, record linkage involves the comparison of ensembles of partially-identifying, non-unique data items between pairs of records. Data items with variable formats, such as names and addresses, need to be transformed and normalized in order to validly carry out these comparisons. Traditionally, deterministic rule-based data processing systems have been used to carry out this pre-processing, which is commonly referred to as “standardization”. This project describes an alternative approach to standardization, using a combination of lexicon-based tokenization and probabilistic Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). The project is developed using Visual Studio with C# .Net as programming…
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Advanced Intelligent Tourist Guide

Android Mobile development, Artificial Intelligence & ML, Web | Desktop Application
Advanced Intelligent Tourist Guide The project is developed using Visual Studio with Asp .Net as programming language. There are two entities who will have the access to the system. One is the admin and another one will be the registered user. Admin will add places with their details such as place name, image, address, area, latitude-longitude, tags and description. Admin can view all the added places and also can edit if required. User is new he/she will have to fill the registration form (username, password, email, full name, contact no. and type of places i.e. tags.). After registration, user can login with the valid id and password. After login, user will get the places recommendation based on the preferences which were taken in the form of tags while registration. Based…
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AI Desktop Partner

Web | Desktop Application
AI Desktop Partner A desktop partner bot who chats with you when you are bored. The bot is built with an artificial intelligence algorithm. It chats with you as a real person with amusing replies which doesn’t make the user know he is really talking to a bot. The bot is built with a limited dictionary but uses a great algorithm to imitate a real person. The bot can be used to find you an amusing partner and help you in bad times. The AI desktop partner comes with a real life person imitation (RLPI) System designed in 2013 for putting forward a real time intelligent chatting session for users. The algorithm used here has a intelligently built in logic and is designed to better chat with Indians since it’s…
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Expression Identification Using Image Processing

Image Processing, Web | Desktop Application
Expression Identification Using Image Processing There can be number of expression to explore emotions. Here we proposed a system where emotions can be analyzed and studied about emotions based on expression recognition technology. We will be working on images. Images are prone to noise so we will be using image preprocessing methodology to remove noise from image and to get accurate result. There will be expressive images stored in folder we extract color value of these images and store it into dataset. Filter is used to remove noise from image. Image is given as input to the system. We used an effective algorithm to recognize the expression. The proposed system is able to detect expression with 50%-60% success rate.
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E Banking Log System

Web | Desktop Application
E Banking Log System The E-Banking Log system features uses user behavior and location scanning to check for unusual patterns. These patterns include user characteristics such as user spending patterns as well as usual user geographic locations to verify his identity. If any unusual pattern is detected, the system requires re-verification. The system analyses user credit card data for various characteristics. These characteristics include user country, usual spending procedures. Based upon previous data of that user the system recognizes where Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm will be applied, where system will mine the previous transaction, and check if the current transaction exceeds the amount or system feels that the user is not official user then system will block him, or if system finds this user as Official then it will again…
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Financial Status Analysis Using Credit Score Rating

Web | Desktop Application
Financial Status Analysis Using Credit Score Rating Banks and credit card companies use credit scores of the consumers. This banks and Credit Card Score Company lend money to the consumers based on the credit score of the consumer. Consumer can have poor, fair, good or excellent credit scores. Based on these credit score banker and credit company provide money to the consumer. We here proposed a web based application that keeps track of people’s credit scores. This system can be used by the consumers to know their credit score. User must register himself by adding the personal details and credit card and credit details. System will provide user with credentials to access the system. User can access his personal details as well as his credit details. Here we applied a…
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Twitter Trend Analysis Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Web | Desktop Application
Twitter Trend Analysis Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation The community of users participating in social media tends to share about common interests at the same time, giving rise to what are known as social trends. A social trend reflects the voice of a large number of users which, for some reason, becomes popular in a specific moment. Through social trends, users therefore suggest that some occurrence of wide interest is taking place and subsequently triggering the trend. In this work, we explore the types of triggers that spark trends on the microblogging site Twitter, and introduce a typology that includes the following four types: news, ongoing events, memes, and commemoratives. The user will be allowed to search for the latest trends by inputting a keyword into search field. Based on user…
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Using Data Mining To Improve Consumer Retailer Connectivity

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Using Data Mining To Improve Consumer Retailer Connectivity Many consumers prefer online shopping. Day-to-day busy schedule made many consumers to visit online e-commerce websites for shopping. This saves time and cost of the consumer. With the growth of the e-commerce websites retailers tend to fail to attract more and more consumers. Consumers no longer feel difference between e-shopping and offline shopping. We proposed a system of connecting the consumer and the retailer. This system creates a bridge between consumer and retailer. We had implemented an effective data mining algorithm to analyze new patterns and trends. This system will gather data from the customer behavior pattern and is supplied to the retailers, so that retailers will able to know the new patterns and trends. With these information retailer can approach targeted…
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Symptom Based Clinical Document Clustering by Matrix Factorization

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Symptom Based Clinical Document Clustering by Matrix Factorization Here we proposed a Doctor’s clinic management kind of system, where patients will visit the clinic and if the patient is new to clinic, then receptionist will feed his/her details into the system else if the patient is already registered then the receptionist will search for the patient’s name and add into the queue. When the patients turn appear, doctor will be able to see his/her details and also can check details about previous conditions if any. After doctor sees the patient, he will make entry of medicines patient needs to take. Receptionist will get those details, and there will be a section to add symptom. So at the end we will have list of symptom and medication provided for that. On…
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Cancer Prediction Using Data Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Cancer Prediction Using Data Mining It might have happened so many times that you or someone yours need doctors help immediately, but they are not available due to some reason. The Cancer Disease Prediction application is an end user support and online consultation project. Here, we propose a web application that allows users to get instant guidance on their cancer disease through an intelligent system online. The application is fed with various details and the cancer disease associated with those details. The application allows user to share their health related issues for cancer prediction. It then processes user specific details to check for various illness that could be associated with it. Here we use some intelligent data mining techniques to guess the most accurate illness that could be associated with…
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TV Show Popularity Analysis Using Data Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
TV Show Popularity Analysis Using Data Mining Reality TV is the new mantra of television producers and channel executives. It is the means to increase TRP ratings and the end is always to outdo the other channels and the “similar -but-tweaked-here-and-there” shows churned out by the competition. Most of the television shows which are being telecast nowadays are reality shows specializing in dancing, singing, and acting. We conclude to build such a system that will recognize people’s sentimental comments on TV shows. The comments from the viewer will be extracted along with the viewer details such as gender, location, etc…The comments will be gathered from various sources and the entry will be maintained into the excel sheet. The excel file will contain peoples name, email id, age, gender, location and…
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Secure Backup Software System

Cloud Computing, Web | Desktop Application
Secure Backup Software System Using Software backup system, users can store files, documents, images, videos through windows application in a secured manner. In this user can store documents and files in any format which is kept in a separate folder made for each user. The stored folder is only accessible to the authorized users who can access their own folder. It’s a windows application, where all the file details store in SQL Database. If the user found to be unauthorized by the admin, then admin can block a user and also can unblock it whenever required.
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Opinion Mining For Restaurant Reviews

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Opinion Mining For Restaurant Reviews This system rates any particular restaurant by detecting hidden sentiments in the feedback received by its customers. The system uses opinion-mining methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. Opinion Mining for Restaurant Reviews is a web application, which takes feedback of various users, and based on the opinion, system will specify whether the posted restaurant is good, bad, or worst. Database of the system have various keywords denoted as negative and positive words, which helps the system to recognize and match the feedback and rank them accordingly. The role of the admin is to post new restaurant and adds keywords in database. This application acts as a boon for food lovers and works as a source advertisements because it makes people aware about the services…
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Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining php

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining The Health Prediction system is an end user support and online consultation project. This system allows users to get instant guidance on their health issues through an intelligent health care system online. The system contains data of various symptoms and the disease/illness associated with those symptoms. It also has an option for users of sharing their symptoms and issues. The system processes those symptoms to check for various illnesses that can be associated with it. The system is designed to use intelligent data mining techniques to guess the most accurate illness based on patient’s symptoms. If user’s symptoms do not exactly match any disease in the database, then it is shows the diseases user could probably have based on his/her symptoms. It also consists…
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E Commerce Product Rating Based On Customer Review Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
E Commerce Product Rating Based On Customer Review Mining Many users purchase products through E-commerce websites. Because of online shopping, E-commerce enterprises were unable to trace customer satisfaction for the services provided by the firm. This gave rise to an idea of a system where various customers give reviews about the product and online shopping services, which in turn help the E-commerce enterprises and manufacturers to get customer opinion to improve service and merchandise through mining customer reviews. System uses an algorithm to track and manage customer reviews, through mining topics and sentiment orientation from online customer reviews. In this system user will view and purchase products online. In addition, the Customer will give a review about the merchandise and online shopping services. Certain keywords mentioned in the customer review…
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Predicting User Behavior Through Sessions Web Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Predicting User Behavior Through Sessions Web Mining It is the method to extract the user sessions from the created session file. And depending on the sessions created the user behaviour is predicted by displaying them most visited page or the product. Usability is defined as the satisfaction, efficiency and effectiveness with which specific users can complete specific tasks in a particular environment. This process includes 3 stages, namely Data cleaning, User identification, Session identification. In this paper, we are implementing these three phases. Depending upon the frequency of users visiting each page mining is performed. By finding the session of the user we can analyze the user behaviour by the time spend on a particular page.
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Online Book Recommendation Using Collaborative Filtering

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Online Book Recommendation Using Collaborative Filtering This Online book selling websites helps to buy the books online with Recommendation system which is one of the stronger tools to increase profit and retaining buyer. The book recommendation system must recommend books that are of buyer’s interest. Recommendation systems are widely used to recommend products to the end users that are most appropriate. This system uses features of collaborative filtering to produce efficient and effective recommendations. Collaborative recommendation is probably the most familiar, most widely implemented and most mature of the technologies. Collaborative recommender systems aggregate ratings of objects, recognize commonalities between users on the basis of their ratings, and generate new recommendations.
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Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining PHP

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining PHP In this system we have developed a mathematical model for predicting the success class such as flop, hit, super hit of the movies. For doing this we have to develop a methodology in which the historical data of each component such as actor, actress, director, music that influences the success or failure of a movie is given is due to weight age and then based on multiple thresholds calculated on the basis of descriptive statistics of dataset of each component it is given class flop, hit, super hit label. Admin will add the film crew data. Admin will add movies data of a particular film crew. Admin will add new movie data along with film crew details as well as release date of…
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Fake Product Review Monitoring & Removal For Genuine Ratings PHP

Web | Desktop Application
Fake Product Review Monitoring & Removal For Genuine Ratings PHP As most of the people require review about a product before spending their money on the product. So people come across various reviews in the website but these reviews are genuine or fake is not identified by the user. In some review websites some good reviews are added by the product company people itself in order to make in order to produce false positive product reviews. They give good reviews for many different products manufactured by their own firm. User will not be able to find out whether the review is genuine or fake. To find out fake review in the website this “Fake Product Review Monitoring and Removal for Genuine Online Product Reviews Using Opinion Mining” system is introduced.…
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Document Sentiment Analysis Using Opinion Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Document Sentiment Analysis Using Opinion Mining Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining) refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis to identify and extract subjective information in source materials. Sentiment analysis aims to determine the attitude of a speaker or a writer with respect to some topic or the overall contextual polarity of a document. This system breaks user comments to check for sentimental keywords and predicts user sentiment associated with it. Once the keywords are found, the comments are with a sentiment rank. This system also scans documents in order to analyse the sentiment of the user.
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Crime Rate Prediction Using K Means

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Crime Rate Prediction Using K Means Crime rate is increasing now-a-days in many countries. In today’s world with such higher crime rate and brutal crime happening, there must be some protection against this crime. Here we introduced a system by which crime rate can be reduced. Crime data must be fed into the system. We introduced data mining algorithm to predict crime. K-means algorithm plays an important role in analyzing and predicting crimes. K-means algorithm will cluster co-offenders, collaboration and dissolution of organized crime groups, identifying various relevant crime patterns, hidden links, link prediction and statistical analysis of crime data. This system will prevent crime occurring in society. Crime data is analyzed which is stored in the database. Data mining algorithm will extract information and patterns from database. System will…
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Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture This system is a combination of web as well as android application where the user will be using the android application and admin as well as HR will work with web application. This application is meant for field work users. The user will have this application in his android phone, when the user will login to the system his image will be captured and his GPS location will be send to the admin where admin will view image and GPS location in web application. After Login, GPS location of the employee will be tracked automatically by the system and send to the admin after every 5 minutes .When user logout the system again the image will be captured as well as GPS…
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Android Smart Ticketing Using Rfid

Android Mobile development
Android Smart Ticketing Using Rfid This is an advanced Ticketing System making it easier for the commuter to travel in the bus and the driver to keep exact records of the passengers. This System is a web and Android Based System where the Android will have to apps one for the passenger and one for the bus which is connected to the RFID Reader while the web part is Purely Admin to set the fares and bus tops and to keep and monitor the current updates of a particular bus and passengers on it. This System has the potential of letting the admin know where the bus is exactly and how many passengers are travelling on the bus with their details. This System makes it very easier for security purposes…
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Restaurant Table Booking Android Application

Android Mobile development
Restaurant Table Booking Android Application Table management systems and restaurant reservation systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated, if you’re considering installing a reservation system for your restaurant there are a number of factors to consider when selecting a system and provider. A restaurant reservation and table management system should provide you with the tools to plan and run your restaurant bookings effectively and manage tables, efficient table management means that a restaurant can maximize the potential of their dining room and this in turn should increase profits. Restaurant reservation systems with the option of combining a table management system are increasing in popularity with restaurant operators. With an increasing number of diners now using the web to find details of their favored dining location having the facility to take booking via…
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Child Monitoring System App

Android Mobile development
Child Monitoring System App Solution for missing children with the help of GPS technologies. The application uses two main services that is GPS and telephonic services. For location services is GPS and telephony services is SMS, call logs and contacts. Android is a widely used OS used by a lot of masses globally. Internet is used for communicating between children and parent side. The System can be designed in a simple way. The application developed to make user-friendly approach on both sides. The parents and children both should have GPS Based smart phones. The application is used to track the Child’s location as well as call logs, messages and contact from their smartphone. Reason for choosing android OS is that to target more users.
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Android Geo Fencing App Project

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Geo Fencing App Project This developed project work for parents and their children’s. The parents and children’s both should have GPS based smart phones. The application is used to track the child’s location using their smartphone. To access this application, parent need to create an account by filling up basic registration details and create a login id and password. Using valid login credentials, parent can login and access the application modules. After successful login, parent need to add their child details and also need to create a login id and password for their child in order to track their location. While registering their child name, parent need to set a geo fence around their children by selecting a point on map. Parent can also update the fence around their…
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Railway Ticket Booking System Using Qr Code

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Railway Ticket Booking System Using Qr Code This project deals with the development and implementation of smart phone application which is more effective and simple than current ticketing system. The “Ticket Checker System” can be bought easily anytime, anywhere and ticket will be present in the customer’s phone in the form of “Quick Response Code”. GPS facility is used for validation of the ticket at the source and deletion at the destination. The information for each user is stored in a SQL database for security purpose which is unavailable in the current suburban railway system. Also the ticket checker is provided with an application to search for the user’s ticket with the ticket number in the cloud database for checking purposes.
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Mobile Based Attendance System

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Mobile Based Attendance System built to eliminate the time and effort wasted in taking attendances in schools and colleges. It also greatly reduces the amount of paper resources needed in attendance data management.This is an android mobile app. It’s built to be used for school/college faculty so that they may take student attendance on their phones. The system is divided into following modules:Student Attendance List Creation: Once this App is installed on a phone, a it allows user to create a student attendance sheet consisting of name, roll number, date, Absent/Present mark and subject. He has to fill student names along with associated roll numbers. Attendance Marking: The faculty has the list on his phone now. He may see the list call roll numbers and select absent id the student…
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Optimization of Horizontal Aggregation in SQL by Using K-Means Clustering.

Cloud Computing, Data mining
optimization of Horizontal Aggregation in SQL by Using K-Means Clustering. To analyze data efficiently, Data mining systems are widely using datasets with columns in horizontal tabular layout. Preparing a data set is more complex task in a data mining project, requires many SQL queries, joining tables and aggregating columns. Conventional RDBMS usually manage tables with vertical form. Aggregated columns in a horizontal tabular layout returns set of numbers, instead of one number per row. The system uses one parent table and different child tables, operations are then performed on the data loaded from multiple tables. PIVOT operator, offered by RDBMS is used to calculate aggregate operations. PIVOT method is much faster method and offers much scalability. Partitioning large set of data, obtained from the result of horizontal aggregation, in to…
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Interpreting the Public Sentiment Variations on Twitter

Data mining
Interpreting the Public Sentiment Variations on Twitter Millions of users share their opinions on Twitter, making it a valuable platform for tracking and analyzing public sentiment. Such tracking and analysis can provide critical information for decision making in various domains. Therefore it has attracted attention in both academia and industry. Previous research mainly focused on modeling and tracking public sentiment. In this work, we move one step further to interpret sentiment variations. We observed that emerging topics(named foreground topics) within the sentiment variation periods are highly related to the genuine reasons behind the variations. Based on this observation, we propose a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) based model, Foreground and Background LDA (FB-LDA), to distill foreground topics and filter out lngstanding background topics. These foreground topics can give potential interpretations of…
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Product Aspect Ranking and Its Applications

Data mining
Product Aspect Ranking and Its Applications Numerous consumer reviews of products are now available on the Internet. Consumer reviews contain rich and valuable knowledge for both firms and users.However,the reviews are often disorganized, leading to difficulties in information navigation and knowledge acquisition. This article proposes a product aspect ranking framework, which automatically identifies the important aspects of products from online consumer reviews, aiming at improving the usability of the numerous reviews. The important product aspects are identified based on two observations: 1) the important aspects are usually commented on by a large number of consumers and 2) consumer opinions on the important aspects greatly influence their overall opinions on the product. In particular, given the consumer reviews of a product, we first identify product aspects by a shallow dependency parser…
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Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search Personalized web search (PWS) has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving the quality of various search services on the Internet. However, evidences show that users’ reluctance to disclose their private information during search has become a major barrier for the wide proliferation of PWS. We study privacy protection in PWS applications that model user preferences as hierarchical user profiles. We propose a PWS framework called UPS that can adaptively generalize profiles by queries while respecting user specified privacy requirements. Our runtime generalization aims at striking a balance between two predictive metrics that evaluate the utility of personalization and the privacy risk of exposing the generalized profile. We present two greedy algorithms, namely GreedyDP and GreedyIL, for runtime generalization. We also provide an online prediction…
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An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Techniques

Data mining
An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Relational Keyword Search Techniques Extending the keyword search paradigm to relational data has been an active area of research within the database and IR community during the past decade. Many approaches have been proposed, but despite numerous publications, there remains a severe lack of standardization for the evaluation of proposed search techniques. Lack of standardization has resulted in contradictory results from different evaluations, and the numerous discrepancies muddle what advantages are proffered by different approaches. In this paper, we present the most extensive empirical performance evaluation of relational keyword search techniques to appear to date in the literature. Our results indicate that many existing search techniques do not provide acceptable performance for realistic retrieval tasks. In particular, memory consumption precludes many search techniques from scaling…
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