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Electrical Load Controlled By PC

Electrical Load Controlled By PC

The system aims at controlling electrical loads through a central Pc. Considering a pc can be used to control the lights and fans of an auditorium or college from a single place.
Currently, someone needs to manually switch of the lights on each floor and room. This system allows a single user to operate all those light fans, or other loads from a single PC. The project consists of lamps/loads to demonstrate as electrical appliances. These loads are then connected to an PC through an Rs 232 interface to a microcontroller circuit.
The system once turned on allows users to switch the load on and off, submitting commands from a PC. This allows user to control a load through PC.
The system may be further improved by implementing an effective GUI to control multiple loads from a pc within a glance.
Note: This project only works on Computers having Serial communication port, which is usually present in desktop computers not on laptops

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