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Inter college Event Management System

Inter college Event Management System

The project brings the entire manual process of Intercollege event management online which is built using Asp .Net as a front end and SQL Server as a backend. The main purpose of this project is to simplify the process of handling each event by providing a web interface for admin, teacher and students. The admin part consists of multiple modules where admin or the authorized person need to register the college name to initiate/create the event by adding the type of event (indoor or outdoor). System allows admin to add teachers who will conduct the particular event activity which is allotted by the admin itself, also can view the student registration for a particular event and lastly, viewing the results of all events held in college. The teacher part has come up with handling all the event related activity assigned by the admin. Teacher performs various task such as taking the attendance of the students who are registered for a particular event, viewing the list of students to mark the winner of each round, generating the results based on multiple rounds won by the student and also can view the 1st, 2nd and 3rd standings of student’s name for the particular event. Student interface consist of viewing and getting registered for the event of their choice, pay the event activity fees if applicable and can view all the registered events.

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