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MRPrePost-A parallel algorithm adapted for mining big data

MRPrePost-A parallel algorithm adapted for mining big data

With the explosive growth in data, using data mining techniques to mine association rules, and then to find valuable information hidden in big data has become increasingly important. Various existing data mmmg
techniques often through mining frequent itemsets to derive association rules and access to relevant knowledge, but with the rapid arrival of the era of big data, Traditional data mining algorithms have been unable to meet large data’s analysis needs. In view of this, this paper proposes an adaptation to the big data mining parallel algorithms-MRPrePost. MRPrePost is a parallel algorithm based on Hadoop platform, which improves PrePost by way of adding a prefix pattern, and on this basis into the parallel design ideas, making MRPrePost algorithm can adapt to mining large data’s association rnles. Experiments show that MRPrePost algorithm is more superior than PrePost and PFP in terms of performance, and the stability and scalability of algorithms are better.

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