Project List

CNG/LPG Gas Accident Prevention With Gsm Alert

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
CNG/LPG Gas Accident Prevention With Gsm Alert Gas leakage tragedies and accidents have lead to heavy losses over the years. So it is very important to detect any gas leakage and prevent any accidents. So we here propose a system to detect LPG/CNG gas leakage scenarios and provide a security alert to intended users. We here propose to build the system using a MQ6 gas detection sensor and interface it with Avr family microcontroller along with gsm modem for alerting through buzzer. Our system uses the gas sensor to detect any gas leakages. The gas sensor sends out a signal to microcontroller as soon as it encounters a gas leakage. The microcontroller processes this signal and sends out a signal buzzer and LCD with required message details.
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Fire Plus Hazardous Gas Detection And Instant SMS Alerting System

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
Fire Plus Hazardous Gas Detection And Instant SMS Alerting System Dangerous gas leakage as well as fires have caused wide damage to industries and economies in the past. These agents spread wildly and instant action needs to be taken as soon as such an event occurs. It is very important to detect a gas leak or fire as soon as it breaks out so that it can be prevented from spreading instantly. We here propose a system that detects gas leakage as well as fires as soon as they start and alerts the authorities automatically so that it can be stopped from spreading. Our system consists of gas sensor to detect any gas leakage as soon as it is encountered. The gas sensor sends a signal to the microcontroller as…
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Energy Management System With Programmable Numbers using GSM

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM
Energy Management System With Programmable Numbers using GSM The project aims at a system allowing user to control home based appliances through Sms along with acknowledgements. Here user need not switch home appliances on and off manually. Our system allows user to operate these devices through sms, also the status weather the device is switched on or not is sent to user via a return sms. This can be used by domestic users and company users to operate as well as check status of home and company appliances from anywhere in the world. It is a very convenient system for users since it allows them to easily control and monitor these appliances from anywhere. An example is that a person may switch on his House or office AC 15 minutes…
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Womens Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
Womens Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts Womens safety is a very important issue due to rising crimes against women these days. To help resolve this issue we propose a gps based womens safety system that has dual security feature. This device consists of a system that ensures dual alerts in case a woman is harassed or she thinks she is in trouble. This system can be turned on by a woman in case she even thinks she would be in trouble. It is useful because once an incident occurs with a woman she may or may not get the chance to press the emergency button. In a button press alerting system, in case a woman is hit on the head from behind, she may never get the chance…
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Automatic Unauthorized Parking Detector With SMS Notification To Owner

GPS-GSM, Sensor
Automatic Unauthorized Parking Detector With SMS Notification To Owner A large number of personnel are deployed to check for unauthorized parking and fine those owners. But owners evade the fine by various illegal means like bribing the personnel, threatening them etc. Towing vans need to manually search for illegally parked vehicles. This system requires large overhead costs in manpower payment, fuel and other physical surveillance. Here we propose a system that allows for automatic illegal parking detection and alerting. The system consists of integrating an RFID transmitter in every vehicle. RFID receiver circuit is mounted on every area where parking is not prohibited. If a vehicle is parked in an area where parking is not prohibited the rfid transmitter comes in rang of the receiver circuit. Once this happens the…
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GSM based Industry Protection System

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
GSM based Industry Protection System With heavy automation taking place these days, the number of industries as well as number of accidents in those industries have increased substantially. Human errors and manual safety systems lead to increase in industrial accidents. So here we propose a gsm based industrial protection system that detects smoke, temperature as well as light to keep track of accidents. The system needs to detect if the temperature of a machine or environment goes above a certain level, if it goes above a level, it is an indication of a malfunction. So here we use temperature sensor to detect a possible accident. Next indication is the malfunction or overloading of machines leading to smoke. We use smoke detectors to detect smoke and similarly a light sensor to…
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Gsm Based Weather Reporting (Temperature/Light/Humidity)

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
Gsm Based Weather Reporting (Temperature/Light/Humidity) Here we propose a Gsm based weather sensing and reporting project. The system senses temperature, as well as light and humidity and conveys this to the user wirelessly. Our system uses temperature sensor to detect and record current temperature. It uses a light sensor in order to detect current lighting conditions. Also a humidity sensor is used to detect current humidity conditions. All this data from sensors is conveyed to the microcontroller. The microcontroller now processes this data and passes is on to a gsm modem interfaced to it. The gsm modem now encodes this data as sms message and sends this message to programmed user. Thus this puts forward a wireless gsm based weather monitoring system where the person does not need to be…
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Automated Water Pump with Dry Run Intimation using Gsm

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
Automated Water Pump with Dry Run Intimation using Gsm An automated waterpump system for farmers or any user needing it for filling tanks as well as for using water supply. The system consists of a pump motor along with LCD and gsm modem controlled by a microcontroller. The system allows users to remotely switch on/off motor as well as the system consists of an automated water sensing system that automatically switches off the pump motor as soon as it senses that water supply has stopped and the motor is on a dry run. Our system uses a GSM modem to send and receive user commands and it then operates the pump motor based on user SMS. The system also consists of IR sensors to detect water flow through the pipe…
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GSM Based Home Automation

8051 Microcontroller, GPS-GSM, Sensor
GSM Based Home Automation The project aims at a system allowing user to control home based appliances through Sms along with acknowledgements. Here user need not switch home appliances on and off manually. Our system allows user to operate these devices through sms, also the status weather the device is switched on or not is sent to user via a return sms. This can be used by domestic users and company users to operate as well as check status of home and company appliances from anywhere in the world. It is a very convenient system for users since it allows them to easily control and monitor these appliances from anywhere. An example is that a person may switch on his House or office AC 15 minutes before he arrives so…
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Over Voltage Under Voltage Load Protection With Gsm Alert

Over Voltage Under Voltage Load Protection With Gsm Alert This project aims to build a system that monitors voltage and provides a breakpoint based low and high voltage tripping mechanism that avoids any damage to the load. Various industrial and domestic systems consist of fluctuation in the AC mains supply. There is a chance of damaging electronic devices that are quite sensitive to these fluctuations. So there needs to be a tripping system that avoids any damage to these loads.This system also includes 8051 microcontroller which finds out the voltage level which is displayed on the LCD screen. This microcontroller not only finds out the voltage level but also send SMS via GSM modem which alerts the user whenever the voltage level is crosses the limits. Our system consists of…
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GSM Patient Health Monitoring

GSM Patient Health Monitoring GSM based Patient Health Monitoring Project mainly works for allowing doctors or relatives of patient to check the status of patient health remotely. The system calculates the heartbeats and body temperature of patient and if it goes above certain limit then immediate informative alert message will be sent to the registered number. For this system we used AVR Family Microcontroller which is interfaced with LCD display , heartbeat sensor, temperature sensor. The GSM based Patient health monitoring system works with GSM modem to send the data remotely to the registered number, system powered by 12V transformer. The system also featured with manual health button using that the patient with some other issues will also able to contact with doctor so, the system is very helpful for…
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Farming Assistance Web Service

Web | Desktop Application
Farming Assistance Web Service A Web project to help farmers ensure greater profitability through direct farmer to supplier and farmer to farmer communication. This service boosts business communication and brings transparency in the system. This innovative site allows for good farmer, retailer and supplier communication. It allows farmers to login and communicate to respective dealers. When dealers publish an advertisement or offer, the respective farmers get notified via Sms message. The farmers may also submit their greviences and complaints to respective dealers or authorities using their farmer login on a separate complaints page and authorities will get acess to that page regularly using their login id and passwords.
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Mobile Attendance System Project

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Automated Attendance System The mobile attendance system has been built to eliminate the time and effort wasted in taking attendances in schools and colleges. It also greatly reduces the amount of paper resources needed in attendance data management. The system is divided into following modules:This is an android mobile app. It’s built to be used for school/college faculty so that they may take student attendance on their phones. Student Attendance List Creation: Once this App is installed on a phone, a it allows user to create a student attendance sheet consisting of name, roll number, date, Absent/Present mark and subject. He has to fill student names along with associated roll numbers. Attendance Marking: The faculty has the list on his phone now. He may see the list call roll numbers…
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Automated Attendance System

Web | Desktop Application
Automated Attendance System An automated attendance system that consists of a web system for entire organization to record attendance. Each Class room or department has its own login. On login the class faculty can see a list of students or members registered under it. The faculty may take the attendance and mark the present students using checkbox provided in front of every student name. This attendance sheet is stored and sent to the central administrator of the organization and stored there. The system has an admin login. The admin may check all attendance data, press a button to see defaulter list, search for particular student attendance by name, search class attendance and generate excel reports.
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Online Election System Project

Web | Desktop Application
Online Election System Project Online Election System would have Candidate registration, document verification, auto-generated User ID and pass for candidate and Voters. Admin Login which will be handled by Election Commission .Candidate Login which will be handled By Candidate, Voters will get Unique ID and Password, Using which they can vote for a Candidate only once per Election. The project is beneficial for Election Commission, Voters as the can get to know the candidate background and choose wisely, and even for Candidate. The software system allows the Candidate to login in to their profiles and upload all their details including their previous milestone onto the system. The admin can check each Candidate details and verify the documents, only after verifying Candidate’s ID and Password will be generated, and can remove…
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College automation project

Web | Desktop Application
College automation project 1. Introduction This section introduces Unity College website project. It also contains definitions, acronyms and abbreviations used through out the document. It will allow college to address potential students by showcasing their course and facilities and its current students and faculty by providing access to the various facilities provided by the college in an easy and interactive manner as well as it will help people in college and outside of it to know about news and events happening in college. 1.1 Purpose This document specifies all functional requirements for the Unity College website project. This document will form the basis for further design and development activities on the project. The purpose of the college website is to let people know about this college, their achievements as well…
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Collective Face Detection Project

Web | Desktop Application
Collective Face Detection Project This collective face detection project is capable of detecting faces by their names and identifying multiple faces in real time. The software system uses face detection algorithms to accurately identify and recognize a faces in real time. We use a pc webcam to record real time video data and the system automatically detects and identifies faces in real time application. The collective face detection application is designed using C#
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Webpage Ranking Search Engine With Seo Suggester

Web | Desktop Application
Webpage Ranking Search Engine With Seo Suggester A search engine is an information retrieval system that has various website data stored in it. It shows user appropriate results on search. It also consists of website data. The search engine records no of times the url was clicked on, its goes to te web url to fetch its meta data and gives points according to page errors. An seo suggester used with it allows user to enter a live url. Our system goes and scans the webpages extracts its meta features and provides seo suggestions. The search engine is first fed with URLs of various website and stores this data in its database. After that the search engine allows user to search for particular data. The user can enter the data…
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Secure Lab Access Using Card Scanner Plus Face Recognition

Image Processing, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Secure Lab Access Using Card Scanner Plus Face Recognition Research laboratories funded by private or government organizations are of strategic importance to a country. A lot of sensitive research is carried on in such laboratories. The confidentiality of such premises is of prime importance for the benefit of the society. At such time it becomes necessary to ensure high level authentication and authorization of personnel entering such facilities. A single form of authentication/authorization is not enough for these sensitive organizations. Here we propose a system that combines two different forms of authentication techniques to ensure only authorized persons access the premises. Our system integrates biometrics with secure card to create a dual secure high end security system never implemented before. The system first checks if the persons face is registered…
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Secure ATM Using Card Scanning Plus OTP

Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
>Secure ATM Using Card Scanning Plus OTP Our project proposes a secured ATM (Any time Money) system using a card scanning system along with Otp password system on sms for improved security. Usual ATM systems do not contain the OTP feature for money withdrawal. If an attacker manages to get hold of ATM card and the pin number he may easily use it to withdraw money fraudently. So our proposed system supports the ATM card scanning system along with an OTP system. Ths user may scan his card and login to the system .But after user is through with this authentication he may view details but is asked to enter OTP as soon as he clicks money withdrawal option. At this stage the system generates and sends a One time…
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Military Access Using Card Scanning With OTP

Security and Encryption, Sensor, Web | Desktop Application
Military Access Using Card Scanning With OTP Military access is the most secure access provision and needs to be kept that way considering national security issues. Usual military authentication and authorization techniques consist of one way authentication techniques with just one form of authentication, namely password or smart card or biometric. Here we propose a two stage authentication/authorization technique for secured military access to authorized personnel. The first stage is a card scanning system, each authorized personnel must have a smart card. On card scanning the system also asks of an additional 4 digit code associated with it, on entering the right code the personnel goes to the next stage of authentication. On the next stage, system generates a one time password and sends to the mobile phone registered to…
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Online AI Shopping With M-Wallet System

Web | Desktop Application
Online AI Shopping With M-Wallet System An Online shop that has various products needed as per user’s needs. The system is built to help users in shopping and shop in their behalf. The system takes users choice and shops on their behalf. The system is proposed to be built on artificial intelligence techniques that ensure hassle free shopping experience for users. The system also includes M-Wallet integration. M-Wallet integration ensures a good mobile shopping experience. The integration of both these system allows users to just enter his choices and the system fetches the best deal for the user within no time.
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On Demand Remote PC Monitoring system Through Internet

Web | Desktop Application
On Demand Remote PC Monitoring system Through Internet We usually come across areas where an admin or department / company head needs to monitor user work. This monitoring helps the authority know about any mal activity or any activity not supposed to be done in office premises is done by the employee. Remote pc monitoring needs a working internet connection that too having a high bandwidth. Well such system when monitoring on a large number of PC’s proves to have a quite reasonable load on the network. Since the system works by sending constant image snapshots of computer screen to intended authority these constant image transfers from a number of computers proves to be quite an unethical practice. So we propose an On Demand Remote PC monitoring system that monitors…
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Matrimonial Portal Project

Web | Desktop Application
Matrimonial Portal Project This online matrimonial site is mainly developed to let individual find their potential matches for marriage according to their priorities set. This project allows the phrase ‘Marriages are made in heaven’ to be rephrased as ‘Marriages are now made online’. This application allows to browse profiles of those who have registered themselves on this site. This allows individual to give their information such as Name, Gender, Religion, Caste, Marital status, Current salary, Occupation etc.This application also allows to upload photo of the individual registering and also allows to upload kundali picture of the individual. The person looking for marriage can register and search for a profile that matches their requirement. This application allows individual to search by gender, age, religion, caste, marital status and also allows individual…
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Network Based Stock Price System

Web | Desktop Application
Network Based Stock Price System We usually come across systems that require a web server to constantly track price updates. Many applications such as stock market client applications need to interact continuously with their server in order to update those prices from time to time. The system not just needs to update the price, it has to perform this task with accuracy and speed. Since stock prices keep changing every moment, it becomes to have a good communication between server and client applications. We here propose an http based class for client server communication for stock price updation. The system tends to provide a robust stock price updation system. The client system uses constant refresh functions to update the stock price every second.
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Web Server to Client communication for web usage data analysis

Web | Desktop Application
Web Server to Client communication for web usage data analysis We usually come across fields where web data proves very important for business as well as security analysis. Ecommerce as well as website usage data is of prime importance these days. Our proposed project puts for ward a system that allows a web server to record web data analytics of web usage patterns of various web links. The system is configured to record web page clicks, seo score computed as per a search engine ranking algorithm as well as other parameters associated with the each web page. The server has an inbuilt configuration logic required to scan live web pages similar to crawlers and then record/store that data for later processing. Since the data may be large and huge computational…
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Web Server Log Analysis System

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Web Server Log Analysis System Web usage data is of prime importance these days. Web pages used on a day to day basis and various users logging on to a website are two major data categories of prime importance. Here we propose a web mining algorithm that proves better that most traditional web mining algorithms. We here track web data and use the E web miner algorithm for web log analysis and reporting. The algorithm works on Ecommerce data continuously scanning and going through the web log looking for patterns as suggested by user conditions. The algorithm is designed to look for various patterns that appear to be in any logical order. It is built to provide analytics data according to predefined algorithms built in for maximum performance and minimum…
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PC Configuration Retrieval System on Online Server

Web | Desktop Application
PC Configuration Retrieval System on Online Server Various software/gaming applications require exact PC configurations to run on them. Many of the PC users are non technical people who are unaware of their exact PC configuration. So for companies dealing in bulk software it becomes inefficient to manually interact with every customer and thus suggest then pc configurations and suggest the changes then need to do in order to run a particular application in their PC. Well here we propose a solution to this issue by aiming at a pc configuration retriever and configuration suggestion project. The system must first be instructed with various software /gaming applications minimum configuration suggestions. So now whenever a user wants to know whether a software/game will run properly in his PC he does not need…
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Web Agent For Learning Content Updating

Web | Desktop Application
Web Agent For Learning Content Updating Today’s we usually require systems for auto content updating as per updates on a remote server. Our system allows implementing this mechanism by using an enhanced system. The system is a part of the N2SW(Network to Software) algorithm that allows for effective communication between a network server and remote client using an active internet connection. The algorithm is built for secure and effective communication between client and server machines. The system acts as a web agent between the online server and client machines. The client machine consists of teaching content database. This content is constantly scanned and compared with online version for any updates/variations. Any updates on server are constantly being monitored. An update on server must be instantly reflected on client system. This…
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Tab Based Library Book Availability & Location Finder On Wifi

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Tab Based Library Book Availability & Location Finder On Wifi Large libraries usually have thousands of books kept at different locations. It is sometimes tedious to search for book locations. It is also necessary to know weather a book is available or not at the library. So here we propose a tab based system that guides the user at librarian counter itself about book availability as well as book location if book is available. If book is unavailable the tab even guides the user about the book return date so that he may return that exact day. The tab based system allows user to search for books across various categories and check their availability and location at the counter itself. The system also consists of and admin server/PC used by…
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Wireless Indoor Positioning System

GPS-GSM, Web | Desktop Application
Name Wireless Indoor Positioning System Technology DotNET,MS SQL Category Web Application Description We usually find gps tracking systems to track a android phone location on Gmap but what if we run opt of internet connection or Gps. Or what is we want to track our location on a map. Well here we propose a system that uses wifi signals to exactly track an android phone location in a closed room. Here we do not need any internet or gps connection to do so. Consists of four routers in four corners of room, based on the Network signaling strength of each wifi router displacement we store this data for further processing. Our proposed system gathers data and accurately maps it using indoor environment is estimated by FMM which is simultaneous algebraic…
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AI Multi Agent Shopping System

Artificial Intelligence & ML, Web | Desktop Application
AI Multi Agent Shopping System An AI multiagent shopping system where system is fed with various product details. The system allows user to register and enter his details about a particular product. The system records all the details provided by user and checks for various items matching his search. The system comes up with a list of items best suited for user needs. The system also suggests other related items that the user may like. The system suggests these items which are likely to be bought by the user based on his previous requirements. The system handles multiple users at a time and provides accurate results.
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Remote User Recognition And Access Provision

Web | Desktop Application
Remote User Recognition And Access Provision Well here we propose a web server that allows to take a photograph of the user as soon as he requests a session on a PC. The pc then transmits this clicked image through to the server without utilizing much bandwidth. The web server admin may now manually verify the person sitting on the PC. If the user is recognized as a valid user, the server machine now sends a command to client pc system in order to allow access to the system. This remote computer user authentication and authorization system can be used on a large scale verification and remote authorization. It is feasible to be used in secure system areas like government PC’s, military Pc’s and other sensitive company PC’s that need…
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Intelligent PC Location Tracking System

GPS-GSM, Web | Desktop Application
Intelligent PC Location Tracking System We usually come across conditions where we need to track the location of a particular PC/Laptop. This conditions arises from security issues as well as companies need to track pc/laptop locations to check the geological location of their online customers. This data is obtained through ip address tracking. The ip addresses issued by internet providers is location dependent. Our systems need to reverse engineer this data in order to get the city of that particular terminal. We here use a live windows based application as demo ip recorder to capture the ip addresses of terminals. Then we make a reverse lookup to map those ip address into city coordinates. This helps a company to record and track it target customers by plotting them on a…
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E Healthcare – Online Consultation And Medical Subscription

Web | Desktop Application
E Healthcare – Online Consultation And Medical Subscription The E consultation system is an end user support and online consultation project. Here we propose a system that connects patients to available doctors for online consultation and also allows doctors to email subscriptions in printable format. Our proposed system aims to build an environment where various patients needing doctor help at their home can consult doctors, send their images(for skin diseases/beauty related issues), chat with doctors, tell then their issues and discuss remedies. It also consists of a doctors login panel where doctor may login to the system and then see patient requests for consultations. The system then schedules those requests and serves them to doctor one after another. This allows doctors to chat with patients and discuss their problems. At…
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Distributed Dealership Network Analyzer and Sales Monitor

Web | Desktop Application
Distributed Dealership Network Analyzer and Sales Monitor These days we observe large enterprises in manufacturing business. These enterprises have their own dealership networks spread across geographical boundaries. At such time measuring the live sales across all networks cannot be accomplished through any manual method. Here we need to use internet to collectively get data from the live dealership networks and then process them at the system. This process completely automates the process since the data is fed by every dealer individually and the sales data goes directly to the system for the company to analyse and make future demand predictions. Here we propose to use a distributed system with company having a server/receiver application that communicates with dealership/client applications through the internet to get constant data feed. The client applications…
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Customer Behaviour Prediction Using Web Usage Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Customer Behaviour Prediction Using Web Usage Mining Web usage mining involves first recording behavior and flow of customers on a website and then mining through this data for behavioural patterns. It is an important part of ecommerce world that allows websites to go through previously recorded web traffic data. Ecommerce sites analyse this data in order to provide better performance and also suggest better products and services to customers by identifying them next time. The system is tuned to record web shopping/buying patterns and track various analytics data that tend to provide future prediction statistics. The system scans for user budget tracking, tallying to previous years, user bounce rates- number of users returning from payment page and other site usage factors. Factors like returning users allow site owners to make…
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Web Mining For Suspicious Keyword Prominence

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Web Mining For Suspicious Keyword Prominence Web mining can be termed as an information mining method to naturally search, collect and organize data from indexed online records which might be in various organized, unstructured or semi-organized structure. We usually use web mining techniques in order to assess the viability of a specific web page/entity in order to figure out various factors related to it. This project consolidates the best researched mechanisms from the semantic web and synaptic web at low entropy in order to build structural engineering of Semantic-Synaptic web mining. Our proposed project aims at web mining for finding out density of selected keywords in order to check its keyword prominence on those web pages. This is an important factor in various fields in order to check the prominence…
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Credit Card Fraud Detection

Web | Desktop Application
Credit Card Fraud Detection The credit card fraud detection features uses user behavior and location scanning to check for unusual patterns. These patterns include user characteristics such as user spending patterns as well as usual user geographic locations to verify his identity. If any unusual pattern is detected, the system requires revivification. The system analyses user credit card data for various characteristics. These characteristics include user country, usual spending procedures. Based upon previous data of that user the system recognizes unusual patterns in the payment procedure. So now the system may require the user to login again or even block the user for more than 3 invalid attempts.
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Active Chat Monitoring and Suspicious Chat Detection over Internet

Web | Desktop Application
Active Chat Monitoring and Suspicious Chat Detection over Internet A lot of terrorist activities and groups communicate over apps and chat programs over the internet. They also use these chat application over the internet for getting their message to young generation and making new terrorists. Well we here propose a internet chat application that actively monitors various chats going on and also alerts the admin about any suspicious chat process taking place. The system is built to process all chats taking place over and saving them with history. The chat process is handled by server. As data passes through server it continuously scans it for any suspicious keywords. The admin may however keep a watch at any chat he desires. A special alert is provided to the admin regarding any…
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Internet Based Live Courier Tracking And Delivery System

Web | Desktop Application
Internet Based Live Courier Tracking And Delivery System Courier service providers usually have a very large network across countries. A courier goes through several places including distribution center, aeroplane, ship, road transport etc. At this time even customer is conscious about where has his package reached. The customer can track his courier through a login where he may enter this courier number and track the location status of his package. Here we propose a dedicated courier tracking system where customer may check the status and location of his courier. Here every distribution channel including centre, airport terminal, rail, road terminal has a system operated by authorized people of that particular point of distribution. Each point of distribution has its login access. On login the person needs to make an entry…
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Remote Java 2 Dotnet Communication Application

Web | Desktop Application
Remote Java 2 Dotnet Communication Application Java and dot net are two different but very useful technology when it comes to information technology. Both of them have different development platforms. Well for a study and integration of two major technologies together we propose a client server based communication application made by integrating JAVA with dotnet technology. Here we propose a dedicated client server based architecture that allows for chat as well as authoritative commands by the server over client application. We integrate the two technology and have a working communication between these two technologies. We here propose to build the server application using JAVA and the client side application using Dotnet(C#) technology. Our system consists of the server as an authorities admin and client as a client application in Dotnet.…
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Secure Remote Communication Using DES Algorithm

Cloud Computing, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Secure Remote Communication Using DES Algorithm The Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm is a widely accepted system for data encryption that makes use of a private (secret) key that was judged so hard to break by the U.s. government that it was confined for exportation to different nations. There are more than 71,000,000,000,000,000 (71 quadrillion) encryption keys to be used in this algorithm. For any given message, the key is picked at irregular interval from among this colossal number of keys. Like other private key cryptographic routines, both the sender and the collector must know and utilize a common private key. Many companies, governments, military and other fields make use of DES algorithm for secure data transfer over unsecure networks. We here propose a system for secured data transfer over…
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Automated College Timetable Generator

Web | Desktop Application
Automated College Timetable Generator Most colleges have a number of different courses and each course has a number of subjects. Now there are limited faculties, each faculty teaching more than one subjects. So now the time table needed to schedule the faculty at provided time slots in such a way that their timings do not overlap and the time table schedule makes best use of all faculty subject demands. We use a genetic algorithm for this purpose. In our Timetable Generation algorithm we propose to utilize a timetable object. This object comprises of Classroom objects and the timetable for every them likewise a fitness score for the timetable. Fitness score relates to the quantity of crashes the timetable has regarding alternate calendars for different classes. Classroom object comprises of week…
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Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect Prediction

Web | Desktop Application
Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect Prediction We here propose a criminal investigation tracker system that tracks the investigation status of criminal cases with logs and also predicts primary suspects. The system is proposed to help agencies like CBI, CID and other such bureau’s to sped up investigation process and track status of multiple cases at a time. The system keeps logs of a case which includes case summary, people involved, disputes, past criminal history of those involved, Items recovered on scene and other details. The system realizes the type of case, allows admin to update the status of investigation, upload more images of crime, items found on scene etc. This allows authorized officers to check case status and look into its status online and also update any important info as…
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Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture

GPS-GSM, Web | Desktop Application
Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture This system is a combination of web as well as android application where the user will be using the android application and admin as well as HR will work with web application. This application is meant for field work users. The user will have this application in his android phone, when the user will login to the system his image will be captured and his GPS location will be send to the admin where admin will view image and GPS location in web application. After Login, GPS location of the employee will be tracked automatically by the system and send to the admin after every 5 minutes .When user logout the system again the image will be captured as well as GPS…
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Real Estate Search Based On Data Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Real Estate Search Based On Data Mining This project helps the users to make good decisions regarding buying or selling of valuable property. Prior to this online system this process involved a lot of travelling costs and searching time. Due to this system the user now does not have to travel much and can look for the property it is searching for, online according to its requirements. This system includes property details like Address, space measurement(sq ft), number of BHKs, Floor, Property Seller name and its contact number plus email-id. The user can search property depending on the area that it wants in, number of wash rooms, bedrooms, halls and kitchen. The system contains an algorithm that calculates loan that the user can take plus 20%-30% cash that the user…
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Data Mining For Automated Personality Classification

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Data Mining For Automated Personality Classification We come across areas where we have access to large amounts of person behavioural data. This data can help us classify persons using Automated personality classification (APC). In this project, we propose an advanced APC – automated personality classification system. We here use learning algorithms along with advanced data mining to mine user characteristics data and learn from the patterns. This learning can now be used to classify/predict user personality based on past classifications. The system analyses vast user characteristics and behaviours and based on the patterns observed, it stores its own user characteristics patterns in a database. The system now predicts new user personality based on personality data stored by classification of previous user data. This system is useful to social networks as…
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Biomedical Data Mining For Web Page Relevance Checking

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Biomedical Data Mining For Web Page Relevance Checking Data mining is a technique used to mine out useful data and patterns from large data sets and make the most use of obtained results. Web mining and data mining go hand in hand when creating web mining systems. Web mining includes text mining methodologies that allow for usage reading from and classification based on unstructured data. Text mining allows us to detect patterns, keywords and relevant information in unstructured texts. Web mining and data mining systems each have their own uses. Data mining algorithms are efficient at manipulating organized data sets, while web mining algorithms are widely used to scan and mine from unorganized and unstructured web pages and text data available on the internet. Websites created in various platforms have…
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User Web Access Records Mining For Business Intelligence

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
User Web Access Records Mining For Business Intelligence In this project we analyse how business intelligence on a website could be obtained from user’s access records instead of web logs of “hits”. User’s access records are captured by implementing a data mining algorithm on the website. User mostly browses those products in which he is interested. This system will capture user’s browsing pattern using data mining algorithm. This system is a web application where user can view various resources on the website. User will register their profile in an exchange of a password. User will get user ID and password in order to access the system. Once the user login’s to the system user will gain access to certain resources on the website. The links to the resources on the…
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Employee Hourly Attendance By Barcode Scan

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Employee Hourly Attendance By Barcode Scan The proposed project is a system that keeps a track of employees’ attendance using barcode scanner. This concept set forth to automate the traditional attendance system of taking signature by using authentication technique. The traditional system requires a register maintained for manually signing the attendance by the employees which is time consuming. Hence this proposed project eliminates the need of maintaining attendance sheet.The proposed system uses barcode method for authenticating employees with a unique barcode that represents their unique id. Every employee will have their attendance card. They have to scan their cards using barcode scanner and the system notes down their attendance as per date and time. System stores employee’s attendance details and generates brief report for admin as required. Such kind of…
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Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining Here we propose an advanced Website Evaluation system that rates the website based on the opinion of the user. Website will be evaluated based on factors such genuineness of the website, timely delivery of the product after online transaction and support provided by the website. User will comment about the website, based on the comment system will rate the website. The system takes opinion of various users, based on the opinion; system will decide whether the website is genuine or not. The system uses opinion mining methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user comment is ranked. The system contains…
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Opinion Mining For Social Networking Site

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Opinion Mining For Social Networking Site This system uses opinion mining methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. Opinion Mining for Social Networking Site is a web application. Here the user will post his views related to some subject other users will view this post and will comment on this post. The System takes comments of various users, based on the opinion, system will specify whether the posted topic is good, bad, or worst. User can change his own profile picture and can update his status. These changes can be viewed by various users. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user comment is ranked. Once the user logins to the system,…
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Web Data Mining To Detect Online Spread Of Terrorism

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Web Data Mining To Detect Online Spread Of Terrorism Terrorism has grown its roots quite deep in certain parts of the world. With increasing terrorist activities it has become important to curb terrorism and stop its spread before a certain time. So as identified internet is a major source of spreading terrorism through speeches and videos. Terrorist organizations use internet to brain wash individuals and also promote terrorist activities through provocative web pages that inspire helpless people to join terrorist organizations. So here we propose an efficient web data mining system to detect such web properties and flag them automatically for human review. Data mining is a technique used to mine out patterns of useful data from large data sets and make the most use of obtained results. Data mining…
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Fake Product Review Monitoring And Removal For Genuine Online Product Reviews Using Opinion Mining

Web | Desktop Application
Fake Product Review Monitoring And Removal For Genuine Online Product Reviews Using Opinion Mining As most of the people require review about a product before spending their money on the product. So people come across various reviews in the website but these reviews are genuine or fake is not identified by the user. In some review websites some good reviews are added by the product company people itself in order to make in order to produce false positive product reviews. They give good reviews for many different products manufactured by their own firm. User will not be able to find out whether the review is genuine or fake. To find out fake review in the website this “Fake Product Review Monitoring and Removal for Genuine Online Product Reviews Using Opinion…
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Monitoring Suspicious Discussions On Online Forums Using Data Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Monitoring Suspicious Discussions On Online Forums Using Data Mining People now-a-days are very fond of using internet as a discussion medium. As internet technology had been increasing more and more, this technology led to many legal and illegal activities. It is found that much first-hand news has been discussed in Internet forums well before they are reported in traditional mass media. This communication channel provides an effective channel for illegal activities such as dissemination of copyrighted movies, threatening messages and online gambling etc. The law enforcement agencies are looking for solutions to monitor these discussion forums for possible criminal activities and download suspected postings as evidence for investigation. We propose a system which will tackle this problem effectively. In this project we had used a data mining algorithm to detect…
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Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining In this system we have developed a mathematical model for predicting the success class such as flop, hit, super hit of the movies. For doing this we have to develop a methodology in which the historical data of each component such as actor, actress, director, music that influences the success or failure of a movie is given is due to weight age and then based on multiple thresholds calculated on the basis of descriptive statistics of dataset of each component it is given class flop, hit, super hit label. Admin will add the film crew data. Admin will add movies data of a particular film crew. Admin will add new movie data along with film crew details as well as release date of the…
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Opinion Mining For Comment Sentiment Analysis

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Opinion Mining For Comment Sentiment Analysis Here we propose an advanced Comment Sentiment Analysis system that detects hidden sentiments in comments and rates the post accordingly. The system uses opinion mining methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. Opinion Mining for Comment Sentiment Analysis is a web application which gives review of the topic that is posted by the user. The System takes comments of various users, based on the opinion, system will specify whether the posted topic is good, bad, or worst. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user comment is ranked. Once the user logins to the system, user can view his own status as well as he can…
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Opinion Mining For Restaurant Reviews

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Opinion Mining For Restaurant Reviews Here we propose an advanced Restaurant Review system that detects hidden sentiments in feedback of the customer and rates the restaurant accordingly. The system uses opinion mining methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. Opinion Mining for Restaurant Reviews is a web application which gives review of the feedback that is posted. The System takes feedback of various users, based on the opinion, system will specify whether the posted restaurant is good, bad, or worst. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user feedback is ranked. Once the user login to the system he views the restaurant and gives feedback about the restaurant. System will use database…
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Railway Tracking and Arrival Time Prediction

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Railway Tracking and Arrival Time Prediction It has happened so many times that you have been waiting on railway station for someone to arrive and you don’t have any exact information about train timing and other stuff. So here we present to you a project on Railway Tracking and Arrival Time Prediction. Using this system user’s can get the information about train timing, and is it on time or not, and other information. In this, system will track the train timing at what time train departed from a particular station and pass these timing details to other station’s system where it will display the timing according to train departed from previous station. If system will find any delay in train due to signal it will automatically update the train timing…
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Weather Forecasting Using Data Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Weather Forecasting Using Data Mining Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a given location. Ancient weather forecasting methods usually relied on observed patterns of events, also termed pattern recognition. For example, it might be observed that if the sunset was particularly red, the following day often brought fair weather. However, not all of these predictions prove reliable. Here this system will predict weather based on parameters such as temperature, humidity and wind. This system is a web application with effective graphical user interface. User will login to the system using his user ID and password. User will enter current temperature; humidity and wind, System will take this parameter and will predict weather from previous data in database. The role…
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E Commerce Product Rating Based On Customer Review Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
E Commerce Product Rating Based On Customer Review Mining There are many users who purchase products through E-commerce websites. Through online shopping many E-commerce enterprises were unable to know whether the customers are satisfied by the services provided by the firm. This boosts us to develop a system where various customers give reviews about the product and online shopping services, which in turn help the E-commerce enterprises and manufacturers to get customer opinion to improve service and merchandise through mining customer reviews. An algorithm could be used to track and manage customer reviews, through mining topics and sentiment orientation from online customer reviews. In this system user will view various products and can purchase products online. Customer gives review about the merchandise and online shopping services. Certain keywords mentioned in…
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Fingerprint Based ATM System

Fingerprint Based ATM System Fingerprint Based ATM is a desktop application where fingerprint of the user is used as a authentication. The finger print minutiae features are different for each human being so the user can be identified uniquely. Instead of using ATM card Fingerprint based ATM is safer and secure. There is no worry of losing ATM card and no need to carry ATM card in your wallet. You just have to use your fingerprint in order to do any banking transaction. The user has to login using his fingerprint and he has to enter the pin code in order to do further transaction. The user can withdraw money from his account. User can transfer money to various accounts by mentioning account number. In order to withdraw money user…
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Sentiment Analysis for Product Rating

Web | Desktop Application
Sentiment Analysis for Product Rating Here we propose an advanced Sentiment Analysis for Product Rating system that detects hidden sentiments in comments and rates the product accordingly. The system uses sentiment analysis methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. This project is an E-Commerce web application where the registered user will view the product and product features and will comment about the product. System will analyze the comments of various users and will rank product. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user comment is ranked. Comment will be analyzed by comparing the comment with the keywords stored in database. The System takes comments of various users, based on the comment, system…
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Detecting E Banking Phishing Websites Using Associative Classification

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Detecting E Banking Phishing Websites Using Associative Classification There are number of users who purchase products online and make payment through e- banking. There are e- banking websites who ask user to provide sensitive data such as username, password or credit card details etc often for malicious reasons. This type of e-banking websites is known as phishing website. In order to detect and predict e-banking phishing website. We proposed an intelligent, flexible and effective system that is based on using classification Data mining algorithm. We implemented classification algorithm and techniques to extract the phishing data sets criteria to classify their legitimacy. The e-banking phishing website can be detected based on some important characteristics like URL and Domain Identity, and security and encryption criteria in the final phishing detection rate. Once…
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Fingerprint Voting System Project

Sensor, Web | Desktop Application
Fingerprint Voting System Project Fingerprint Based Voting Project is a application where the user is recognized by his finger pattern. Since the finger pattern of each human being is different, the voter can be easily authenticated. The system allow the voter to vote through his fingerprint. Finger print is used to uniquely identify the user. The finger print minutiae features are different for each human being. Finger print is used as a authentication of the voters. Voter can vote the candidate only once, the system will not allow the candidate to vote for the second time. The system will allow admin to add the candidate name and candidate photo who are nominated for the election. Admin only has the right to add candidate name and photo who are nominated. Admin…
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Canteen Automation System

Web | Desktop Application
Canteen Automation System In today’s age of fast food and take-out, many canteen have chosen to focus on quick preparation and speedy delivery of orders rather than offering a rich dining experience. Until very recently, all of these delivery orders were placed to the waiters or over the phone, but there are many disadvantages to this system, including the inconvenience of the customer needing to have a physical copy of the menu, lack of a visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly, and the necessity for the canteen to have an employee answering the phone and taking orders. What,we propose is a Canteen Automation System, which is a technique of ordering foods online applicable in any food delivery industry. The main advantage of this system is that it greatly…
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Class Management System Project

Web | Desktop Application
Class Management System Project This software project is a classes/ Tution management system. It consists of all the data management and storage facilities that are required for effectively managing a class or tution teaching multiple courses and subjects. It consists of multiple teachers and faculty accounts along with their payment status. The system helps in effectively managing and scheduling batches of students as per their courses and exam priorities. The class management system allows the administrator to view and edit data as required. Administrator is notified of various events such as faculty contract renewal, fees date, student or batch fees payment date and other useful events as and when needed. All this functionality ensures no errors and effective management of Class.
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Online Ebook Maker Project

Web | Desktop Application
Online Ebook Maker Project Online E-Book Maker Project will allow users to create E-Book for free. This software will have Admin Login and Author Login. This system will allow the authors to make their E-Book without any problem and without any charge. Author will have to register if new member in the system. And existing member can Create new book or resume with old book. One Author cannot keep more than 3 incomplete Books, he has to complete 1 book atleast to start new one. Book will be created on basics of Title, Context, No of Pages in books.
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Online Visiting Card Creation Project

Web | Desktop Application
Online Visiting Card Creation Project Online Visiting Card Creation Project will have registration for new Users and login for Members. This software will have Admin Login which will check for new request and orders, Member Login in which they can create visiting cards from selected templates. Users may even create their own customize card design and place for order. User is allowed to choose a card design first and even the user name, company contact no and other fields to print on the card. After user finalizes the order he may proceed to payments page. This Ordered Cards will be delivered to their door steps. The Admin Login will accept request to check design, approve cards request, and create bill.
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Online Printed T-Shirt Designing

Web | Desktop Application
Online Printed T-Shirt Designing Online Printed T-Shirt Designing will have registration for new Users and login for Members. This software will have Admin Login which will check for new request and orders, Member Login in which they can create customize design using wide range of Colors & Design, and can even place bulk order for the same. The system first allows users to select tshirt design. After that user may choose desired color. The net step allows users to choose designs and text to be printed on the tshirt. After user finalizes the cost of design is calculated and user may pay online for it. This Ordered T-Shirt will be delivered to their door steps. The Admin Login will accept request to check design, approve Order, and create bill.
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Bus Pass with webcam Scan

Web | Desktop Application
Bus Pass with webcam Scan The project aims to provide an effective solution of maintaining bus pass information using a Qr code. The system has two logins one for user and other for admin. User can refill their account and extend the validity every time the pass expires. Admin can view all users’ details and balance through its login. Every user pass will be having a Qr code that contains user information and validity of pass. Thus while travelling users just have to get their pass scanned and conductor can view the pass validity.
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Bus Pass with Barcode Card scan

Web | Desktop Application
Bus Pass with Bar-code Card scan As technology is growing fast, so we need to update ourselves to be in touch with new technology. The current process of bus ticketing is very slow and tedious process. Customer needs to stand in long queue for issuing bus pass in bus Depot which is time consuming and this process is hectic to employees in the Depot as well as user. The project is designed to provide an effective solution of maintaining bus pass information using a bar-code. The system has two logins one for user and other for admin. User can refill their account and extend the validity every time the pass expires. Admin can view all user's details and balance through its login. Every user's pass will be having a bar-code…
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Efficient Doctor Patient Portal

Web | Desktop Application
Efficient Doctor Patient Portal We here propose a doctor patient handling, managing system that helps doctors in their work and also patients to book doctor appointments and view medical progress. The system allows doctors to manage their booking slots online. Patients are allowed to book empty slots online and those slots are reserved in their name. The system manages the appointment data for multiple doctors for various date and times. Each time a user visits a doctor his/her medical entry is stored in the database by doctor. Next time a user logs in he may view his/her entire medical history as and when needed. At the same time a doctor may view patients medical history even bore the patient visits him. This allows for an automated patient doctor handling system…
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Engineering College Automation and Scheduling System

Web | Desktop Application
Engineering College Automation and Scheduling System This project uses a web application concept to facilitate the departmental system in educational institutes. It uses the most reliable way of uniquely identifying students through website. Such type of web application is very useful in school as well as in college for daily attendance. Through this web application, we can keep a systematic record of students details, mark sheet, attendance and defaulters list. This project enables the easy way of maintaining class attendance with fewer efforts. The system also generates a brief report of attendance from the database according to subject-wise or date-wise as required. A defaulter list can be generated through system. Staff and HOD has the option to take a print of the reports and defaulter list thus generated. Hence, this…
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Android Campus Portal With Graphical Reporting

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Campus Portal With Graphical Reporting A student portal project that acts as an online portal between students and the admin. The system is designed using two languages which are Asp .Net with C# for web interface and Java for Android based application. The web interface is handled by admin for managing student related information and the android application is used by the students for login and accessing the uploaded information. It contains an admin who can enter details of students. Students can then login using provided user id and password to access all the related information instantly. Students also get a student helpdesk to assist them and also a download page where students may download pdf format of eBooks from the web.
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Stream Analysis For Career Choice Aptitude Tests

Web | Desktop Application
Stream Analysis For Career Choice Aptitude Tests The need for online IQ test aroused mainly to overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. The main aim of the project is to ensure user friendly and more interactive software to the user. The IQ test brings an easy interesting working environment, more clarity in presenting appropriate information to the user and also it gives faster access and retrieval of information from the database. Through this new system, the drawbacks that have been seen in the existing system can be neglected. Under this system, questions can be stored and retrieved so that preparing of questions papers each time can be avoided. The system checks the answer by matching the pre-defined answers in database and users answer. The marking criteria is decided by…
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ERP System For Institutes

Web | Desktop Application
ERP System For Institutes Engineering and medical institutes usually have a number of departments and courses. Managing all these department and course data manually is a very tedious, ineffective and expensive task. So here we propose an ERP system for institutes. We aim to provide entire examination section along with faculty dashboard and training placement department in this system. Our system firstly consists of student database needed by faculty as per their requirement. The system allows to input student attendance into the database which can later be viewed by concerned faculties and students. The students may view their personal attendance and assignment submission data through a separate student login. The examination allows authorized logins to insert update timetables. The time table is then available to be viewed on the web…
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Image Steganography With 3 Way Encryption

Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Name Image Steganography With 3 Way Encryption Technology DotNET,MS SQL Category Web Application Description Steganography is the technique of hiding private or sensitive information within something that appears to be nothing be a usual image. Steganography involves hiding Text so it appears that to be a normal image or other file. If a person views that object which has hidden information inside, he or she will have no idea that there is any secret information. What steganography essentially does is exploit human perception, human senses are not trained to look for files that have information inside of them. What this system does is, it lets user to send text as secrete message inside an image file, user uploads the image and enters the text to send secretly, and gives a…
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Content Summary Generation Using NLP

Web | Desktop Application
Content Summary Generation Using NLP To find prominent summarized points in a collection of documents. We here propose a system to detect summarized points from a huge or multiple paragraph. We use an efficient method to discover summarized points from the provided content using Natural language processing (NLP). The provided content is divided into two parts as Summarized Content and Summarized Point. One would expect particular words to appear in the content more or less frequently: “dog” and “bone” will appear more often in documents about dogs, “cat” and “meow” will appear in documents about cats, and “the” and “is” will appear equally in both. A document typically concerns multiple topics in different proportions; thus, in a document that is 10% about cats and 90% about dogs, there would probably…
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Android Smart City Traveler

Android Mobile development, Web | Desktop Application
Android Smart City Traveler The purpose of developing this android application is to create a schedule for the traveler travelling to city and wanted to explore the city by specifying the time in hours. System then smartly analyzes the questionnaire and creates a schedule for traveler based on provided time. The development is done in two technical languages as Java for Android Application for User/Traveler and Asp .net for Web portal which is used by Admin. First of all, traveler need to register himself by filling up the details using android application. After successful registration, user can login now using login credentials which then proceeds with questionnaire where application ask user about their likings and habits. Based on questionnaire, application smartly analyzes for the place based on user specified time.…
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Periodic Census With Graphical Representation

Web | Desktop Application
Periodic Census With Graphical Representation A census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population. It is a regularly occurring and official count of a particular population. The term is used mostly in connection with national population and housing censuses; other common censuses include agriculture, business, and traffic censuses. The United Nations defines the essential features of population and housing censuses as “individual enumeration, universality within a defined territory, simultaneity and defined periodicity”, and recommends that population censuses be taken at least every 10 years. United Nations recommendations also cover census topics to be collected, official definitions, classifications and other useful information to co-ordinate international practice.
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Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating Here we propose an advanced Products Review analysis system which provides a platform to registered users to rate a particular or multiple products using this system. The system uses product review analysis in order to achieve desired functionality. Product review analysis is a web application which consist multiple products added by admin to review to rate and review them. The System takes reviews of various users, based on their personal opinion, system will specify whether the posted product is good, bad, or worst. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user review is ranked. Once the user login to the system he views multiple products and…
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Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining

Data mining, Web | Desktop Application
Smart Health Prediction Using Data Mining It might have happened so many times that you or someone yours need doctors help immediately, but they are not available due to some reason. The Health Prediction system is an end user support and online consultation project. Here we propose a system that allows users to get instant guidance on their health issues through an intelligent health care system online. The system is fed with various symptoms and the disease/illness associated with those systems. The system allows user to share their symptoms and issues. It then processes users symptoms to check for various illness that could be associated with it. Here we use some intelligent data mining techniques to guess the most accurate illness that could be associated with patient’s symptoms. If the…
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Graphical Password To Avoid Shoulder Surfing

Web | Desktop Application
Graphical Password To Avoid Shoulder Surfing Since conventional password schemes are vulnerable to shoulder surfing, many shoulder surfing resistant graphical password schemes have been proposed. However, as most users are more familiar with textual passwords than pure graphical passwords, text-based graphical password schemes have been proposed. Unfortunately, none of existing text-based shoulder surfing resistant graphical password schemes is both secure and efficient enough. In this paper, we propose an improved text-based shoulder surfing resistant graphical password scheme by using colours. In the proposed scheme, the user can easily and efficiently login system. Next, we analyze the security and usability of the proposed scheme, and show the resistance of the proposed scheme to shoulder surfing and accidental login. The shoulder surfing attack in an attack that can be performed by the…
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Student Grade Prediction Using C4.5 Decision Tree

Web | Desktop Application
Student Grade Prediction Using C4.5 Decision Tree We here come up with a system where student final grade is predicted based on the marks he had scored during his previous course and years. In order to predict the grade of the student we need some data to analyze and to predict the grade. So we will input student basic information and their previous academic information into the system which will be used to predict the grade of the student. We here used an effective data mining algorithm to predict the result. We used C4.5 decision tree algorithm to predict the grade of the student.C4.5 is a program for inducing classification rules in the form of decision trees from a set of given examples. C4.5 is a software extension of the…
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Image Steganography Using Kmeans & Encryption

Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Image Steganography Using Kmeans & Encryption Steganography involves hiding of text, image or any sensitive information inside another image, video or audio in such a way that an attacker will not be able to detect its presence. Steganography is, many times, confused with cryptography as both the techniques are used to secure information. The difference lies in the fact that steganography hides the data so that nothing appears out of ordinary while cryptography encrypts the text, making it difficult for an outsider to infer anything from it even if they do attain the encrypted text. Both of them are combined to increase the security against various malicious attacks. Image Steganography uses an image as the cover media to hide the secret message. In this paper, we propose an image steganography…
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ATM Detail Security Using Image Steganography

Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
ATM Detail Security Using Image steganography Now you can securely perform your ATM transactions with the help of this system as it provides 3 level of security. This system works as follows. Once the user enters the PIN, the user is prompted to enter the OTP (One Time Password) which is a 4-digit random password sent by the server to the user’s registered mobile number. On cross verification with the data stored in the system database, the user is allowed to make a transaction. The underlying mechanism involves combining the concepts of Cryptography and Steganography. The PIN and OTP are encrypted using AES 256. Then the encrypted data is steganographed with the image selected by the user which acts as the BASE image. The Steganographed image is sent to the…
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Social Media Community Using Optimized Clustering Algorithm

Web | Desktop Application
Social Media Community Using Optimized Clustering Algorithm Now-a-days social media is used to introduce new issues and discussion on social media. More number of users participates in discussion via social media. Different users belong to different kind of groups. Positive and negative comments will be posted by the user and they will participate in discussion . Here we proposed a system to group different kind of users and system specifies from which category they belong to. For example film industry, politician etc. Once the social media data such as user messages are parsed and network relationships are identified, data mining techniques can be applied to group of different types of communities. We used K-Means clustering algorithm to cluster data. In this system we detect communities by clustering messages from large…
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Cooking Recipe Rating Based On Sentiment Analysis

Web | Desktop Application
Cooking Recipe Rating Based On Sentiment Analysis You will find number of recipe online. Some might be correctly posted some may not. Recipes what you read will not be the same what you find after preparation. There are number of recipes you will find online which are incorrect. So in order to get right recipes, recipes must be rated by the user. Here we propose a system where user can select categories and post the recipes. Recipes are rated and commented by the visitors. So that user may end up by finding correct recipe online. We will apply sentiment analysis and text summarization approach to mine data. Sentiment analysis is a machine learning approach in which machine learns and analyze the sentiments, emotions etc about some text data like reviews…
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Sports Events Management Platform for Colleges

Web | Desktop Application
Sports Events Management Platform for Colleges The project brings the entire manual process of sports event management online which is built using Asp .Net as a front end and SQL Server as a backend. The main purpose of this project is to simplify the process of handling each sports event by providing a web interface for admin and teacher. The admin part consists of multiple modules to initiate with the sports event by adding the type of sport (indoor or outdoor), adding student who are interested in a particular sports activity, adding teachers who will conduct the particular sports activity which is allotted by the admin itself and lastly, viewing the results of sports event held in college. The teacher part has come up with handling all the sports related…
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Price Negotiator Ecommerce ChatBot System

Web | Desktop Application
Price Negotiator Ecommerce ChatBot System Agent based automated negotiation can give a flexible instead of a fixed price in e-commerce, and can maximize the payoffs of bath buyer and seller. It can be seen as an ideal and efficient mechanism for business. After discuss the negotiation in e-commerce and intelligent agent technology, state of the art overviews is given of agent based automated negotiation, specifically three main approaches for automated negotiation: the decision theory, the game theory and the negotiation analysis. And then, give a view of some famous models. Finally, we point out that the automated negotiation is still in its infant stage, because there are still some difficulties in this field. The first is the ontology issue, the second is agents’ strategies and third is Communication protocol. Electronic…
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Inter college Event Management System

Web | Desktop Application
Inter college Event Management System The project brings the entire manual process of Intercollege event management online which is built using Asp .Net as a front end and SQL Server as a backend. The main purpose of this project is to simplify the process of handling each event by providing a web interface for admin, teacher and students. The admin part consists of multiple modules where admin or the authorized person need to register the college name to initiate/create the event by adding the type of event (indoor or outdoor). System allows admin to add teachers who will conduct the particular event activity which is allotted by the admin itself, also can view the student registration for a particular event and lastly, viewing the results of all events held in…
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HR Management System

Web | Desktop Application
HR Management System Decision in assigning proper skillful hands for the project is and important issue in HR Module. The HR Administrator should report with the personal holding the necessary skills required for the project assignment. The decision in making analysis about the employee’s skills is a prime important before booting in. The proposed system of HR Module is the right software to be incorporated into the Automation of HR Software for helping the organization needs with respect to skillful Human Resource. The proposed system provides detail general information about the employee along with Educational, Certification, Skill and Project details. It enhances the HR Management in adding, viewing and updating employees’ details and generates various reports regarding employee’s skill and experience. Suggestions and Grievances posted by the employees are upheld…
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HR Attendance System Using RFID

Sensor, Web | Desktop Application
HR Attendance System Using RFID RFID Based Attendance System is a system developed for daily employee attendance in companies. Employees proper attendance management is till date a critical issue in many companies. Attendance plays a vital role in managing salaries of employees and also in tracking the regularity & sincerity of employees towards their occupation. The process of tracking attendance manually using pen and paper has become an outdated approach. It not only involves fake entries by employees but even sometimes lead to improper evaluation of attendance. There always exist a threat of records/register getting misplaced or may get damage due to unfavourable circumstances. To overcome all these drawbacks and many more than that we intend to develop a system which not only removes the tedious task of tracking attendance…
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Online user Behavior Analysis On Graphical Model

Web | Desktop Application
Online user Behavior Analysis On Graphical Model Online shopping is growing on large scale. People purchase their products via internet. They just have to choose their products and make the payment. Users get their products on doorstep. Online shopping had made people’s life easier and faster. As online shopping is increasing, large amount of data on people’s online activities have become available on web. Use of such data can benefit a lot of applications. User behavior, online customer classification can be extracted from these web data. We proposed a system where we can extract the user’s online shopping behavior. System will extract user’s online behavior pattern and will show in graphical format. This graphical format helps the admin during decision making process. We propose a graphical hidden state model based…
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Implementing Triple DES With OTP

Web | Desktop Application
Implementing Triple DES With OTP Triple DES is advantageous because it has a significantly sized key length, which is longer than most key lengths affiliated with other encryption modes. It derives from single DES but the technique is used in triplicate and involves three sub keys and key padding when necessary, such as instances where the keys must be increased to 64 bits in length. Known for its compatibility and flexibility, software can easily be converted for Triple DES inclusion. Triple DES encrypts input data three times. The three keys are referred to as k1, k2 and k3. Thus due to the use of 3 key ,triple DES is more secure and is sometimes preferred over the normal DES. The system combines this with the OTP which will also be…
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Image Character Recognition Using Signal & Pattern Analysis

Web | Desktop Application
Image Character Recognition Using Signal & Pattern Analysis Optical character recognition is conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text from image. Here we come up with system where pattern of the image is extracted and image text is recognized using Optical character recognition in matlab. System will recognize the pattern and will detect the characters in image. And will display those characters as output. Since image can be scanned photos or other images. We applied image preprocessing steps in order to extract only text from image. Image patterns will be stored in another directory. The query image is compared with image patterns stored in database. If image matches with the pattern stored in directory, system will apply algorithm to detect the text and display those…
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Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography

Cloud Computing, Security and Encryption, Web | Desktop Application
Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography The proposed software product is liable to meet the required security needs of data center of cloud. Blowfish used for the encryption of file slices takes minimum time and has maximum throughput for encryption and decryption from other symmetric algorithms. The idea of splitting and merging adds on to meet the principle of data security. The hybrid approach when deployed in cloud environment makes the remote server more secure and thus, helps the cloud providers to fetch more trust of their users. For data security and privacy protection issues, the fundamental challenge of separation of sensitive data and access control is fulfilled. Cryptography technique translates original data into unreadable form. Cryptography technique is divided into symmetric key cryptography and public key cryptography.…
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