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Student Attendance System By QR Scan

Student Attendance System By QR Scan

In past days student mark their attendance on paper but sometimes there are chances of losing the paper. In that case we cannot calculate the attendance of students. So to overcome these issues we implement the system that will hide all student information (identity card) inside the QR Code. So that when student will scan that QR Code at that time ,date and time of scanning QR Code will be stored in database. A system that takes down students attendance using QR code. Every student is provided with a card containing a unique QR code. Students just have to scan their cards in front of webcam and the system notes down their attendance as per dates. Each QR code contains a unique id for students. System then stores all the students attendance records and generates defaulter list. It also generates an overall report in excel sheet for admin. Such type of application is very useful in school as well as in college for daily attendance.

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