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Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining

Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining

Here we propose an advanced Website Evaluation system that rates the website based on the opinion of the user. Website will be evaluated based on factors such genuineness of the website, timely delivery of the product after online transaction and support provided by the website. User will comment about the website, based on the comment system will rate the website. The system takes opinion of various users, based on the opinion; system will decide whether the website is genuine or not. The system uses opinion mining methodology in order to achieve desired functionality. We use a database of sentiment based keywords along with positivity or negativity weight in database and then based on these sentiment keywords mined in user comment is ranked. The system contains keywords related to fraud, genuineness, timely delivery of the product and service meters in the database. Based on these factors system will rate the website.
The working of the system is follows:-
The user logins to the system he can view various websites posted by the admin and can comment about the website.
User can see the comment of other user.
System will rate the website based on the comment of various users.
The role of the admin is to add various website to the system and to add keywords in database.
So that system will match the comment with the keywords in database and will rate the website based on the sentiment analysis.
User can easily find out which website will deliver the product in time. And also helps to find out website which will provide good support. This application helps to find out whether the website is genuine or not that is useful for those users who do online transactions.

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