PC Based Home Automation Using PIC

PC Based Home Automation Using PIC

PC Based Home Automation mainly aims to automate your many of the every day task automated. The users can now control their home through PC. This system is especially very beneficial in case if the user has very important work on PC and can operate his lights/fan from PC without reaching the swithes for it. Here we use serial communication to communicate between the PC and PIC microcontroller based circuit. The load switching commands are received and decoded by the PIC microcontroller sent theough PC serially and then operate loads accordingly. Our system also allows user to get status of loads current status. In this case the pc sends a status request to the PIC microcontroller circuit and the microcontroller then retrieves the load status . This data is then sent to the PC . Now the PC application receives the data and displays the result to the user. Thus with the help of this system, the users can now operate their light/fan switches from their PC.

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